Chapter 20

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The three of us huddled close together. It was kind of awkward considering I was confined to a bed, but that’s nothing we couldn’t handle.

            Together, we were strong as ever.

            “Rawr!” I exclaimed.

            “Rawr?” Julie repeated.

            “I rawr you, too!” Teresa chirped.

            I flicked Julie’s nose. “We’re three she-wolves. You must know what ‘rawr’ means.”

           Only a few seconds later, understanding flashed in Julissa’s eyes.

           “I rawr y’all more than food!”

           Teresa guffawed. “Now, that is deep, bro.”


Chapter 20


"Victoria!!! You're alive!!!"

Brian and Nate barged into the hospital room with arms full of stuffed animals and balloons. One of the balloons caught my eye that said, "Congrats, Bitch, You Didn't Die! <3."

Victoria's laughter filled the room. "Hahaha, I love how straightforward you two are."

The boys smiled sheepishly. Brian walked over and pecked Victoria's cheek. "But seriously, I'm glad you're alive. You're one of my best friends."

"Aw, shucks, you're making me blush," Victoria teased. "Love you, llama boy."

Brian narrowed his eyes at her. "For the last time, just because I'm half-Peruvian, doesn't mean I'm half llama."

"I recently died. Can't you let it slide?" she whined.

"Fine," he grunted.

She smirked evilly, "Thanks, llama boy."

"By the way, I got that balloon for you," Brian gestured to the bitch balloon.

"I feel so loved," Vicky remarked sarcastically.

Nate went over to plant a kiss on Victoria's other cheek and gave her one of the stuffed animals. "I know, I know. It's a lizard. Name it Larry."

"Larry?" Vicky raised an eyebrow. "Very random, but okay. hey, watch Larry dance." She controlled the lizard's arms and waist, making it dance. "Jiggle everybody and shake up ya aaaaass..."

Teresa chuckled, "You're so weird."

"Aren't we all?"

"Touché" chorused throughout the room.

"So, Victoria," Nate put his hands in his pockets, "when I first heard that you died, I was like, 'Yes, my balls won't get cut off now if I hurt Julie.' Then I remembered my girl got pretty feisty out there, and I was like, shit, Julie can just cut my balls off herself."

"What the hell?!" Vicky sounded offended. "Now I wish I died so I could have haunted your goddamned as---"

"I bought you a package of Oreos---" Nate announced holding them up.

"--- And I love you so much, Nathaniel. I would never haunt your goddamned ass if I was dead," Victoria finished with giggles.

"Mmhmm. My ass," Nate responded.

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