Chapter 9

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Hey, guys! So I decided to upload a bit earlier today and you must love me for it! :D Well I do have a reason because short_stuff01 kept annoying and crying to me about uploading soon, why I love her is a huge mystery! <3 But she's awesome so check her out.

And if you didn't know, Victoria is based off of short_stuff01 in real life. Teresa is based off of me(Oreoz54) in real life. And Julissa is based off of Cheese_is_good in real life. We're actual the best of friends in real life and this story has some of our similar HILARIOUS experiences.and I think I'm overusing the phrase 'in real life.' Lmao also check out Cheese_is_good, she has an awesome werewolf story called Heart of Ice. :)

AND (sorry about my babbling) I STARTED A NEW STORY! I uploaded chapter one yesterday and its already Vampire #725 and Werewolf #870! The story is called Undeniable Love. It's a vampire/ werewolf romance and in some little ways it will be like Romeo & Juliet, but awesomer and suspensful! ^.^ Here's the summary:

Being seniors in high school, Jocelyn Chase and Noah Delano are sure to have the regular teenage life, right? Don't be so sure. When mating at the biggest party of senior year, their lives turn into a complicated mess. With one being a vampire and one being a werewolf, will they deny their love? And how will their parents deal with this when they are supposed to be natural enemies?

Well, guys... this love bites.

And Romeo and Juliet, stay dead. This is Jocelyn's and Noah's story.

(Genre: Vampire, Werewolf, Humor, Romance, Thriller)

So pleaseeeeeeeee guys, I ask if you can pleaseeee check out my story and give me feedback about if you liked it or not! Thank you! (:


Songs of the chapter: Adam's Song by Blink 182 AND Open Eyes by Debby Ryan (at the side) ---->

Pic of Victoria ---->

HERE'S CHAPTER 9.................. ENJOY! ;D



Chapter 9

=Victoria's POV=

"So Nate asked me out in our Biology class. Yeah, I didn't even know me and him had Biology together, weird. But then again I barely ever show up for the stupid class. I mean what's the point? I know my body parts. My left boob is on my left side and my right boob is on my right side. But then again, I'm failing Bio and they may call my parents if I don't step it up a notch," Julissa babbled.

"No surprise there. Julie, body parts don't really have to do fully with Biology. Biology has to do with life," I told her.

"I'm with Vicky on that, Jules, sorry," Teresa agreed.

Julissa threw her hands up in the air. "Then why am I failing? Es estupido! My life is very good at the moment!"

I rolled my eyes and Teresa chuckled and said, "If it's so great like mine, then please continue about Nate."

The three of us were in our condo on the beanie bags. We were blasting music and eating random junk food. It was a regular after school activity for us. At the moment, I was blocking my thoughts from Julissa and Teresa. I didn't want them to know I was feeling alone and left out. For the entire week, they've been almost always with their mates and abandoning me. But I didn't say anything.

"And then suddenly Nate was like, 'Will you go out with me?' I was like, 'But we always go out.' And he was like, 'No, no, the other kind of out.' And then I was like, 'Wait, there's another kind of'---"

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