Chapter 24

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His grip tightened on me. "You really are something, eh?"

I giggled. "Is that supposed to be good?"

"Fuck yeah," he grinned. 

I didn't want to waste any time again. I got onto my tippy toes and crashed my lips to his. After a second of surprise, he responded immediately. 

I can't believe it took me this long to realize it. 

Steven was my mate. 


Chapter 24


I gripped Teresa's arm, my nails digging into her flesh. 

"OHMYGOD!!!" I squealed. "Did you sense that, Teresa?! Vicky found her mate!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!"

Brian chuckled. "Don't kill my girlfriend."

"Though, I would still date the murderer," Nate added. Brian and Teresa gave him a look. "Just joking, jeesh."

"Back to you, Julissa, YES, I DID!" Teresa clapped her hands. "It's Steven! She finally found him. Awww." 

I grinned mischievously, rubbing my hands together. "I can't wait with the talk about castration, threats, warnings..."

Teresa joined me, "Ooolala, I love that part!"

A terrified noise came from our boyfriends. We glanced at them to see frightened looks on their faces. "Is everything okay, guys?" Teresa asked worriedly.

"Just having flashbacks about when I first had that convo with you girls," Nate whispered. Brian nodded in agreement. 

"Ahahaha, don't worry. I'll protect you're balls, baby," I stroked Nate's arm. "I need them for my personal needs," I winked at him.

"Oh, hells yeah, baby!" Nate cheered as he brought his face closer to mine. He engulfed his arm around me and pressed his lips to mine passionately. I smiled into the kiss. I couldn't resist as I opened my to let his tongue in. I needed to let him in. My body was aching of lust. 

A moan involuntarily left my lips, which sparked a comment from Brian, " Keep it PG, kids! I'm too young to watch por---" Without breaking the kiss, I grabbed the first thing I felt and flung it as him.

I heard Teresa start to guffaw and a girly scream from who I presumed to be Brian. "Holy shit, Julissa!! Ahahahahahahahahahahaha! Great fucking aim! Victoria's purple dildo went right into his mouth!"

I giggle escaped my lips. I pulled away and Nate whispered huskily into my ear, "Let's go... somewhere where we can't be... disturbed."

Putting my lips back on his, Nate carried me bridal style to my room and we locked the door. 


"Make sure when you two are done doing the dirty, you put up the decorations!" I shouted up to Julie and Nate as I heard them lock her door. We all were going to have a welcome back party for Victoria, the one she should have gotten weeks ago. We were going to invite a bunch of people, too, so, it'll possibly turn into a big house(or condo) party. Hopefully, Vicky's three boys come.

My phone vibrated and I saw an a text from Victoria:

       Hey, everything went perfect!!!!! ;D <3333 you prolly already know why. kk, I'm going to his house          now for a few hours. I'll be home around 8. i'm gonna tell him...

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