Chapter 23: Mission Accomplish Part 1

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Dimitri Point of view

As soon as Lissa directed to the one place where I would never forget the caves, I instantly turned pale.

" We need to hurry," Lissa said as she began to run back inside the Academy and her guards after her.

As soon as Lissa entered the Academy gates and in the protection of Alberta, I knew she would be safe, and I would be able to go safe our Roza.

"Let's go!" I yelled to the guys who were going on this mission.

They all followed as I lead them to the place I was deprived of my life with Roza. We moved slowly but on a little fast pace as it was still morning for Moroi but night for humans. It was my goal to have the number of people that came into this mission alive once we completed the task. The caves were soon visible to you, which got us all on high alert. I turned to the group and looked at them.

" You all go in with a pair never alone, if you find a dead-end come back out. Do you understand?" I asked them all which they responded with a nods.

I went in with Eddie on my tail and the rest where spread inside the cave.  As we kept walking we didn't encounter any attacks, which was very strange as I was expecting it to be pack with Strigoi. We made a turn and walked into something that looked like a lake or pond.  Eddie and I looked around to see if Roza was their or any sign, there sure was a sign which only made Eddie and me run to what we saw.  I would recognize her battle  and promise mark any where, I practically memorized it every night.

"ROZA," I yelled as I ran to her.

As soon as I reached her, I took her body in my arms, kissing her hair, moving her hair away from her face so I could see her. She was badly beaten as she has bruises in every inch of her body, but I knew it was her the one I fell in love with the one who stole my heart. 

"Roza," I said in hopes she would open her eyes.

"Dimitri, we need to get out of here and take her back to the Academy she doesn't look good," Eddie said as he kept his eyes in front of me in guard.

"please hang on," I whispered into her hair.  

I stood up and took her into my arms as we started to leave where we found her. We walked fast as we were trying not to get attention from the Strigoi, our main focus was to get her out. Both Eddie and I were on high alert as we made our way.

"W... W... Watch... Out," Roza said in a low whisper which I heard to late as I  was tackled down by a Strigoi.

Roza rolled over further away from me  moaning, and I turned to face my attacker. I took my stake out and took my stance, waiting on him to attack first. This Strigoi had to be a Dhampir before turning as he was a very good fighter, but he sure was quick enough as I did find an opening and staked him. But more of them kept coming to us, and the rest of the guard noticed it and quickly came to help out. I tried my best to reach my Roza as I made my way from the battles that were going on. There were more Strigoi bodies than Dhampirs down, which were a good sign.

From the corner of my eye, I could see my Roza trying to get up, but she couldn't as she was badly beaten, which only result in her failing back down.  When she tried again after catching her breath, I was able to grab her before she fell again. As soon as my body made contact with hers, she quickly tried to push me away, Roza looked up at me in a way like if she was hallucinating that I was standing in front of her.

" My love its me," I told her as I took her more into my body.

" Abort now," I yelled as I picked  my Roza into  my arms and started to run to the entrance of the caves. 

We all made a protection circle as we could use if it were Lissa or Christian in danger, but the difference was that I was in the middle holding Roza. We were almost by the entrance of the caves, and I could smell the glory that we actually all made it out alive, which we all did. As soon as we where out the caves, we where saved as the sun was coming up, and we knew that they wouldn't dare to come after us as the sun was rising as the gate of the Academy where getting closer we where shouting of glory as we did it. I could already see Lissa and Christian on the other side with the help we where going to need. I saw a very overjoyed Lissa as she saw me with her best friend in arms.

As soon as I made it threw the wards, she's instantly taken away from my arms are the doctors where taking a look and soon rushed her away.               

" We need to take her inside now," the doctor said as she started running with the gurney and her nurses on her side.

That made me run after them as well, leaving the others behind. By the time I was allowed into where they had her, the nurses had started to pull the somewhat of clothes she had on-off so they could have a better view of her. They were connecting all sorts of machines on her, giving her as well Iv's.  The doctor made a slight pressure on her stomach, which instantly made her open the eyes in pain. Seeing her in pain only made me want to go to her aid, but I felt helpless as I couldn't do anything to make the pain go away when I saw her trying to get and pull the Iv's off her the nurses where trying to make her stay down. 

" Rose honey, you need to lay back down. You have a lot of broken bones, and we need to place them back into place," The doctor was saying as she took Roza's face in her hands.

 Rose looked at her for a moment like if she could really trust her kind of way and suddenly closed her eyes.

" Do you have the sedation ready?" the doctor asked.

 They were about to apply it to her when Lissa walked into the room.

" she can't have an sedation or pain medications, her body won't take it," Lissa informed the doctor.

I wasn't aware myself that she couldn't take any pain medication, but at the sight of her being in pain killed me.  

 " we need to place the bones back into places, she has to many out of place. Well, have to do it the old way. I want at least two people holding her down, shell be in a lot of pain I can assure you that. Dimitri, I need you to hold her head I know she'll want to look at someone she is familiarized with." Doctor said as  they where all were getting ready, and I went the head of the table and turned her face to me with my hand.

It was the most horrible feeling I had seeing the love of my life cry for help the way she did when they started placing those broken bones back together. 

" Please make the pain go away," Roza would tell me with tears in her eyes as I held her face directly staring at me.

" It will be over soon," I told her.

There was a point in where her eyes would change to yellow back to brown as she was fighting the urge. By the looks of it, she had a lot of broken bones as it took them around fifteen minutes of hearing Roza scream. 

To be Continued.........................

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