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If our minds can link back in time to retrieve a memory.  What's to stop our minds linking forward in time to retrieve a memory?   You would need a link or a road map to the future memory in order to find it.  Your mind would need to allow the future memory into your consciousness for you to remember it.

A road map to the future memory may be something familiar.  Like the roads you take to get home.  Your past memory provides the knowledge of the memory as it enters the conscious mind.   The future memories of the roads you take may not enter the conscious mind,  but there maybe a general feeling of its OK to take this route home today that enters the mind as I do not have future bad memories relating to this. 

Future bad memories may provide a warning.  Like you are your own guardian angel.  A kind of feedback to help you avoid bad memories.  If you take the warning you may change the future in some way.  You may create an alternative future.  Another volume on your bookshelf multiverse.   

You do not know what the bad future memory is, but something makes you want to take a different route home today.   Something just doesn't feel right.  It helps you judge people.  Some people may make you uneasy even if they seem normal to others.  You have a bad feeling about them.  Maybe this bad feeling is based on future feedback relating to the person.

Its like you are playing a computer game.  You keep getting stuck at one level.  As you replay the level you improve your knowledge and strategy.  The level stays the same, but you are improving how you play it.  Until you have completed the required tasks and the level is complete. 

Knowing where the danger lies before it happens is a future memory.  It makes you change which direction you may take, or prepares you for trouble.  You may not see the monster around the corner, but you know its there.  It has always been there.

We learn from our past experiences. You know not to walk home on a street as there is some danger there. You have faced the danger before and avoid it in future. Your past experiences are providing feedback to affect your present day decisions.

The concept of a memory circle with a central point accessing all time on a timeline allows not only our access to past memories but also to future memories.   Both past and future memories may be necessary for making decisions affecting us now. 

Our future experiences can also provide feedback to affect our present day decisions.  The memory wheel allows for this.  This future feedback is our sixth sense.

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