Darwin Theory

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As the world moves from the beginning to the end of time events of evolution and history shape the world's story.  We are use to looking forwards and back to help understand who we are and where we came from.

What we are not use to doing is looking sideways.  Evolution and history is not just forwards and back.  Changes in time are creating important consequences that equally define evolution and history. 

If changes in time can cause new dimensions due to new timeline paths being created.  And new versions of the same timeline book are lining up side by side on a timeline bookshelf.  Then by looking left and right along the bookshelf we can track an evolution and history of timeline events.

The first version of a timeline may have us as the slaves to a race of time traveling creatures.  At some point in time  we  evolve in knowledge, tools and tactics to battle these creatures.  We gain a beachhead in time were we have control.  From there we start moving back in time and making changes. 

A war is happening across time and we are all conscripts.

Precision attacks to change certain instances of time have the effect of creating new history and futures.   As we defeat the time traveling creatures we are erasing them from time as battles occur further and further into the past.  At one point the creatures cease to exist in our timeline. 

The first version of a timeline book may have us as slaves to a race of time traveling creatures.  The last version of a timeline book may have us as masters and guardians of our own time.  All timeline versions in between are changing in a positive and negative way, large and small, as timeline dominance is fought over.

Where are we now?  We are in control of our timeline.  There are artifacts and records that still exist form the past where time dominance is still being fought for.   You may even be a soldier in these battles.  But it is so far in the past that we no longer have proof or history it is happening.

We are all conscripts in timeline conflicts.  We guard our control of a timeline and shape new dimensions.  All without remembering anything.  We may change in skill and physically.  But memory of what occurred is lost as we can remember only what is in the current version of our timeline. 

Sometime we may wake up with a sore shoulder or sore neck or broken rib  and wonder what happened while we slept.  We may have skills that we do not remember learning.  Some people may just disappear.  But we are on a new and better timeline. 

Sometimes we may wonder who was watching as we landed on the moon or who was watching us fight our wars.  It may have been us, guarding our own history.  Our world may be free of other masters because our future is protecting our past.

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