Dark Shadows

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I know only about dark shadows by experiencing them.  I do not look for them or have use for their power.  Generally they go unnoticed.  But I know I have been near at least two.

Dark shadows have a large area of influence radiating out from central points.    Its not a power that I understand, but a war on time seems to wage most strongly around these points.

These shadows come from the void.  They are too powerful or malevolent to be given life in our existence due to previous harm they have caused.  So they are denied the ability to bind to living creatures as a life force.   

But these shadows also need to be denied an omnipresent influence across the void.  With this they could send the whole void into darkness which is also previous harm they have caused.    This denial of omnipresence is achieved by giving the forces mass such that they are captives within the containers of the void.  With mass each force is locked in a central place as the mass is restricted in movement across containers.

Although denied a living existence in our world.  These forces exist in our world through the mass they are given.  This mass is generally in the form of something solid and buried and something that denies discovery.

The shadows may be denied a life force but that doesn't place barriers on them affecting a life force.  Some creatures are susceptible  within the shadow's area of influence.   I don't know if the shadow creates this susceptibility or draws creatures in with it.  What I do know is within areas near dark shadows there are many empaths and sensitives.  These find comfort in the energy, but there are also witches that feed on the energy.

For me, my roads in life brought me to a shadow and my roads from it lead me back to it.  I have no issue with this as within the shadow I feel protected.  I am not a strong empath so I don't live with sensing the shadows presence.  I can walk over the ground where its center is and feel no effects.

Over time I have accepted why I am here.  My influence is an awareness of the multiverse.  I have come across others here who have a similar ability.  This has a side effect that we may be aware of paths we have taken together in other realities but something has changed to deny the path in this one.

On occasion I have laid back, deep in thought, and in some way connected with the dark shadow.  I do not do this often as I do not want to invite its power.  I believe it is sentient and possibly 'au courant'.  I once asked "why", in reference to why an interest in me, and a simple word came back to me saying "filter".

This may be part of a time war.  Awareness of multiverses, and denied paths through it, may give clues to changes that have occurred in a timeline.  A filter can passively monitor the passage of time and identify these changes.

The purpose and motives of dark shadows across time is unknown to me.  Being part of the void they are part of  all time and dimensions and their influence is across the multiverse.  They are much like anything else in the void.  Except they do not link through to existence as a life force and are trapped in a confined location.


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