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The multiverse thrives on order and balance.  It resists any form of anarchy and random change.  Each entity is supposed to follow it's expected path without branching out in random new directions.  This limits the creation of new dimensions and prevents a limitless chaos of possibilities.  A resistance to change is imposed like a rubber band that can flex, but pulls things back into place.  Timelines tend to converge so that when change occurs it should eventually resolve and end up on the same path.  This provides a convergence point.  Even if your path changes, you may always end up living in the same house, eventually. 

The time war is about endeavoring to have some control in shaping these paths and controlling change, event if convergence eventually corrects it.  We all have some kind of destiny that steers us in our decisions.   We may get a bad feeling about something to cause or avoid a change.  If you end up on a new path you, and other forces, may pull you back to some convergence point. 

The natural instinct to this convergence is similar to how birds may migrate to the same place each year and feed and rest at specific locations around the world as they travel.  They will end up on the same beach no matter the slight changes in their flight. 

For me I know I may always end up in this house that I am living.  Not just in this timeline but others before and possibly in future.  The house is over a hundred years old.   This is even more the case in countries much older with thousands of years history.  You may end up in the same place, with the same people, as you converge towards the expected path of your timeline.  

Ending up at the same place can have the advantage of you being near yourself, and people that converge with you, on other timeline laps and dimensions.  This provides a possibility for time communications between these various entities near you today, where you are going or where you have been. 

A good part of convergence is where you end up may not always need to be by following the exact same path for every second of a timeline.  Some bad things that happen on one path may not need to happen on others.  So their is scope for improving experiences rather than life being the same groundhog day for every timeline and dimension.   Even though I have ended up where I was expected. I am aware of at least one change that occurred that was of particular interest to the monitoring dark shadow.

Through being a filter the dark shadow eventually detected where an when the change occurred.   I can now get on with this timeline without the same scrutiny.  From here forward my path has converged.  The dark shadow participates in the time war for its own reasons.  It can use its influence to resolve unexpected changes in this timeline to stop it occurring in others. 

There is a kind of resonance that occurs after convergence like several waves overlapping to increase their power.  This power provides focusing of knowledge from the multiverse and simplifies management of your own path.  

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