Its in the Eyes

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I mentioned in a previous chapter that the eyes are one way of spotting someone who has been to the future.  Try looking them in the eye and you will feel as well as see a strong reaction.  We use our eyes for vision.  But they also use their eyes as a visual connection.

The best way to describe this connection is its like a local pairing of devices, such as our phones, through means like Bluetooth.  If the capability is enabled, then a shared connection may occur when in range.  The first action is to establish and accept the connection.  The second action is to transfer information.

Something about the brain of future people has given them more awareness and control of this enabled eye connection.  We already are aware of this connection as we already feel uncomfortable looking directly into someones eyes.    We quickly look away.  Try this on someone and see the result.   Poker players may even wear dark glasses to hide their eyes.

If someone allows you to look in their eyes and you think about something like "my ear is itchy".  This information may pass to them through your eye connection.  Watch if the person will touch their ear.  Through practice I have found that this is the easiest information to transfer and also provides feedback that is it working.

I have been in conversation with people where we are deep in thought and eye contact.  Like at a job interview.   At times like these I have suddenly moved my had to scratch my eyebrow, nose, ear and found that the person I was talking to did this at the exact same time.  We are mirroring each other and this is happening too fast for us to just be copying visual clues.  Its because information has transferred through our eye connection.

We have this ability to connect with our eyes now.  But it is not an ability we are aware off.  In the future this ability is well known and and developed through usage and understanding.  If you have been in the future you will have felt the probing eyes of those around you.  You will need to learn how to deal with it, defend against it or just look at the ground to avoid their eyes.

For us, in our present environment, this ability helps with our social interaction.  We transfer thoughts on how we are feeling.  This saves us from putting all of the information in words.  It helps us to show if we are happy or sad, if we like each other, if we are listening, if we are good or bad people, if we are being open or hiding something.  You can measure a level of compatibility with someone by being comfortable or uncomfortable in looking into their eyes.

When aware of this potential for information transfer there is a path for planting seeds in an undefended mind.  You can think about things, while talking to them, that may have some influence on them.  This is why this ability becomes a big deal in the future.   As a harmless example, if, while I have a good eye connection with someone while talking to them, I think "I am hungry" and  say it over and over again in my mind, in a short time the other person may feel hungry.

Another example of our eye connection ability is how we, and animals, may try and remain undetected.  To stay invisible in a crowd, or even when in the open, we don't look at the eyes of the person or animal or whatever you are hiding from.  As soon as your eyes lock on theirs they see you.  The eye contact will pass the information they needed to find you.  This also works in reverse.  If you want someone to notice you just stare at their eyes.

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