Time Swap

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A change in a persons path through time will change the path of events around the person through time.  These changes will either be insignificant and self correct or pervade outwards, like a tumor.  If not resolved this corrupts the omnipresent  view of memories  from the centre of a memory wheel.  There will no longer be a clear focus from the point of change onward.  To correct this a new dimension is created by splitting the memory wheel into two timeline paths.

Changing a memory wheel is a main weapon in the time war.  This weapon intentionally alters events in time in order to design new dimensions.  Progressive change across dimensions farms the multiverse to produce desired outcomes.  Some sides of the time war are trying to keep the multiverse unchanged while others  change it to their advantage. 

Where there are weapons there are defenses.  Achieving a change can be unproductive if counter action can resolve the change from happening or spreading.  The strategy in is to make a change subtle and undetected.  Both sides are linked to the void providing a path to monitor future and past events for change.  Generally the long term symptoms of a change will eventually reveal that some change event occurred.  The challenge is identifying what changed and when and how it occurred.

In order to avoid detection, changes are designed to mimic what they have changed.  If you swap two similar apples between two fruit bowls, and place each of them in their correct position,  perceptively it is impossible to detect the swap occurred.  But it is not the same apple in each bowl.  Try doing this with people along timeline paths.    The timeline may be the same, but it is not the same person.

Weapons and counter weapons generate a dance between measures and counter measures that push the boundaries in an arms race.  It is akin to a continual battle between virus and anti virus in the human DNA.

My role in the time war is over.  Monitoring and living parallel timelines to filter through events between them resulted in identifying the exact timing and cause of a change.  The change happened in 1978.  It created a new timeline that stayed parallel, and attached, to the original.  Both timelines seemed, from external observation, to be exactly the same and presented as only one timeline.  The change was completely hidden from within the void and needed presence within the timeline to find it.

The cause of the change was like swapping and apple between two fruit bowels.   In this case two 13 year old girls were swapped.  Their home lives remained the same but they were switched between which of two local schools they attended.   There was also some linking between their memory wheels through this time so they would follow their expected path through the wrong school as if they were the other person.  This aligned who they would meet and who they would make friends with in order to minimize any sign that the change occurred. 

It took over thirty five years to pin down when and what happened in 1978.   For 35 years I belonged to both timelines and spent time with both persons. Once identified my role as a filter was complete and could move on with life without this overhead. 

The swap served its purpose and I have seen it resolved through convergence.  I now know both persons in the same timeline and the two dimensions have sewn back together around both sides of the change.   The time between still remains like a tear, however, it remains stable as it is defended from further attack.

 Interesting to me is that within the tear in dimensions both persons involved where aware that something had been altered in their path through time.  They had swapped lives,  but both still knew and had emotions for the people they were suppose to grow up with when convergence eventually brought them back together.

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