Memory Wheel

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Strange things happen to our memory.   We may know answers to questions but it takes many minutes for the answer to pop into our mind.  Like they are being uploaded from some where. 

Our brains can only hold so much information.  Enough for our immediate needs, but maybe not enough for our whole lives.  

Some of our memories may be forgotten permanently as they are unimportant.  Some memories may be archived some where.  And that some where may need more room than our brains can contain.

Memories are uploaded and downloaded somewhere as we travel along our time line.   Our present, future and past memories are all time stamped in sync with our timeline. The time a memory occurred is just as important as the memory.

Timelines are traveling curved paths.  They are traveling in circles like laps of a race track.   So timelines are better defined as time circles.  For our memories to work we need a central storage location throughout this time circle.   Where better than at the centre of the circle.

The circle is like a wheel.   Our brains are the wheel's tyre on the outer rim.  It is the part of the wheel in contact with the outside world.  And our brains are temporary and will change with new lives.

As our brains travel along the time circles.  Our memories are uploaded and downloaded along connections, like spokes, to the centre or the wheel.  The centre is like the wheel's hub.  It is simultaneously connected to all time on our time circle.

So as we travel in time and experience our life.  Our knowledge is growing in this central hub as a core memory of our existence.

When we need to remember something.  Either the knowledge is in our brain and we receive the answer instantaneously.  Or the memory is at the core and we need time to retrieve the answer. 

It takes typically five to twenty minutes for the answer to be uploaded back into out brains.  Like when you are trying to remember the name of something.  In about five minutes the answer just pops back into our consciousness.

For the memory wheel to work we need to stay in sync with time.  We need to live each instance of time to avoid corrupted areas in our core storage.   The brain keeps sync of time.  An example of our brains synchronizing with time is when some kids experience the phenomenon they call fast forward.

When kids are young and their new memory wheel is forming.  They may have periods when memories are buffering while being stored.  They do not remember this happening.  What they remember is a feeling of fast forward as the memories rush to catch up with real time.   They call this experience fast forward as this is how the world looks to them during this period.  Fast forward can last as long as five minutes.  Kids grow out of this before they become teenagers.

Time travelers need to understand memory wheels.  They are part of the reason why you cannot co-exist with yourself on a time line.  If you jumped ahead on a time line your memory would be competing for storage with the future version of you on the same time line. 

Even if you could jump to the future on your timeline and back.  You may not remember your stored future memories as they are time stamped with a future date.   And while in the future your mind would need to cope with all the memories that you could now access in sync with the future time stamp.  You may even go into a state of fast forward for who knows how long while your memories sync with the future time. 

Time wheels open possibilities for time travel.   The centre of the wheel can access all instances of your timeline at once.   If you can overcome the time stamping of memories you can possibly access future and even unlock deeper past memories.   You may reinterpret the memories based on information in your brain at its current time location.

Sometimes we retreat from our brains into the memory wheel core.   In the core our memories are everywhere at once.   Our memories are safe there while our brains are exposed to a hostile environment.   During brain injury or confusion some people get an outer body experience.  Some people have amnesia. 

While our brains go through the cycles of sleep our dreams may be coming directly from the memory core.   Our dreams may be out of sync with our current time.  We may be a lot younger in our dreams.  We may also be a lot older.   We may even unlock future memories, even if we need to reinterpret them. 

As our time laps build into the pages of a book.  Our many time wheels join at the core like the axle on a car.   This complicates our memories even further.  We may not only have access to our own memory core.  But have access to other time memory cores through this axle linking.

The memory core does not need to be a central place for storing memories.  It may just be a crossroad linking to all of our memories throughout time.  Our brain may hold road maps to and from where we are now to where a memory is stored. 

I think of a name that is no longer in my brain.  My brain knows that the memory was from a certain time period.   It uses the memory road map to connect back in time to when my brain held the information.

The memory road map is like being in a library.  A library holds thousands of pages of information.  The librarian does not know all the information in all the books.  But the librarian knows how to look for a book and the page in the book where the required information may be.

Someone with a good memory may not necessarily have a head full of information.  But have a good memory road map to the time when they knew the information. 

Someone may be able to travel in time if they can use the memory road map to access memories out of sync with their time.  Like reading the diaries of our other lives.

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