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Okay, so maybe you were thinking"This might have some similarity to other fan fiction books" but I am here to answer you no. No, in the sense that it is not fan fiction. Fan fiction is defined by is "about characters or settings from an original work of fiction, created by of that work rather than by its creator." Some even says that fan fictions should be illegal and not published, like, at all. But I highly stress the point of "characters or setting" as this is not the case in this story. If you guys do not want to see me rant and say other useless stuff not relating to anything in this book, feel free to skip this very long paragraph to the division in the part. Everything of what I will be saying in this paragraph will anyway be useless and highly unrelated to the contents of this book. Did I already write that? you know what? forget I said that. Where was I? No character or setting is similar in this story as Corpse Party, I was simply enlightened by the plot. Sure, you may see some very familiar plot hole for the fans of this series, but I assure you, nothing is copied. Even people who are not fans of this series can relate and will understand every single thing in this book without ever playing the game or watching the anime. Still there? I thought I told you to skip forward already. You are really stubborn, aren't you? I already told you, there is nothing useful in this paragraph, so why do you keep reading line by line in here anyway? This is simply a waste of time reading. You have better things to do, like your homework, or Facebook, or reading the actual story in this book, so why do you insist on reading every single detail in this ridiculous block of random letters? I mean, come on, what I am saying is not even interesting. Honestly, your eyes are scrolling this, not even registering the words in your brain since you were think of something else. And when you are able to wake yourself up, you curse yourself and go back to the point where you last remember. Your laughing at yourself right now, relieved from the fact that you are not the only one who experiences those. And if you are not laughing, there is an impulse to comment, saying "Didn't laugh at all" But, haters gonna hate, right? You still there? Why? What keeps you fixated on this paragraph when others have already moved on? Is it because you are stubborn? Bored? Looking for some laughs? Finding a way to defy the author of this book? There is that conscience in that brain of yours, chanting "Stop" And you are like "I can't" You are slowly being drawn. You do not realize that this string of text actually have some effect on your mind, sending subliminal messages to your frontal lobe. And when you close your eyes, wishing for it to stop while randomly changing the pages, you open them and find yourself safely in the reaches of the book's summary. But by then, it will be too late. There is a voice inside of your brain, wondering what will happen at the end of all this? Regretting that you looked away? "Curiosity's a maddening thing, is it not?(Hartley Rathaway, The Flash)" The only satisfaction you will ever receive is finishing this damn paragraph, right? If it is not, then why do you keep reading when you could have walked out long ago? Oh, and don't even think of leaving now, I have a big surprise for you at the end. if you think it is a bluff, then go on ahead, no one is gonna stop you. But for those still there then congratulations, you managed to listen to your curiosity. or my hidden messages. You are soon so engulfed in this paragraph that it has made a magnet in your brain and is keeping your face glued to the screen. No, no, don't look away to rub your eyes, because it is useless, you will still be looking at this same screen. And you might be wondering, after everything that I have shown you, you ask "How do I know your every move?" Oh, I know. Not because I am right behind you <giggle> or that I am a genius. Because I own you. Those messages have already tampered with your system to make you keep reading this waste of time, but now that I have your attention, you have no choice but to keep reading this thing. Your free will has been suppressed and you will continue reading until the paragraph ends. That was the secret message all along. A big revelation, right? Oh , I think the rebellious ones just left the door, ignoring all that I said. Don't mind them. Now, I know why you are here, it is because you want to know how this thing ends, right? There's that thing throbbing in your head, begging you to stop. Well, I am now here to relieve your pain, we are close to the bottom and you will soon be saved. But those messages came with a secondary objective which will unveil later on. You might think of being the hero and post in the comment in all caps"Do not read the first paragraph. It's a trap" with at least one exclamation point in the end. But, too late, your headquarters have been breached and your mind is being controlled. Welcome. To. My. World. The End. And they lived happily ever after. And that, my friends, is why this book can not be classified as a fan fiction.


Summary: Things turn south when six friends enter their school during the dead of night. What was thought to be a simple bravery test becomes a life threatening game of cat and mouse. Will they be able to outrun the school's dark past, or will they succumb to the growing insanity planted in their souls? One thing is for sure, if they ever get out of there alive, their lives will be changed. Forever. Click on "Start Reading" to find out more. Inspired by Corpse Party.


Hey guys, sspeanut here. this is the second book inspired by a show and the first which is not in the fan fiction genre. I apologize if the story is super duper short, because, like how far can you honestly get in a haunted school? Not far, I guess.

By the way, if you guys do not already know, the picture above showcases the pitiful cast of the anime Corpse Party, something I loved and heavily inspired this book. If you guys enjoy the book, then I suggest you guys watch (or play) Corpse Party.

I will try to upload as frequent as possible. For this book, I plan to upload every Wednesday by 2000H, or at least it will be 8pm from where I am. Honestly speaking, I have all 12 chapters all written and ready to go. Why am I not uploading all at once? Well, because there will always be minor corrections and plot holes that needs to be filled.

About my first book, Surviving the dead. After all these years, I look at it and tell myself, it's the absolute worst thing I have ever read(no modesty there. I'm sure people who have read the book will agree). I've decided to stop writing it altogether. I have simply lost interest in that book and will not continue it. I will, however, keep it on my profile, like a badge, to remind myself that I can definetly do better than that.

I am in the process of writing a third book. It will be like a x-men ish story. Superpowered people fights superpowered bad guys. I plan to release it soon.

Don't forget to leave a vote, comment or sharing this awesome book to your friends, family, enemies and significant others. Thank you for all your support and I shall see you guys next time. I hope you enjoy!!!

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