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The pitiful dead children were everywhere. I could see their white apparitions all over this place It was embarrassing that I was taken over by one , and he could not even talk properly. I hate it. This, ability is starting to seem more like a curse.

Ryan was still walking beside me. He's been on guard ever since my episode. He's most likely afraid that I 'll experience something like that again some time soon. 

My hands felt sweaty. Most people on the whole tour hates him. They all think he's a buff guy with rocks for brains, but I bet all those people who hate him don't really see the side I see. He's a sweet and kind guy who just likes everyone to get along,; for everyone to have fun. He's willing was willing to place his life in danger just to get me back, even if he knew the girl standing before him was not me at all.

I suddenly realized. This guy right here almost got killed by my own hands. And it was because of my abilities that I got captured in the first...

Just then did I realize that I was crying Warm tears rolled down my cheeks like beads of sweat. Eventually, I started sniffling. Ryan saw this and asked me what's wrong.

"N-N-Nothing...." I said as I wiped my tears.

Ryan sighed and stopped walking. He placed his hand on my shoulder and said "It's about a while ago, right?" 

"Y-you almost got killed because of me..." My voice wandered off. "What if something like this happen again. You know that I am the only one in our rout weak enough to be controlled... I'm only a burden to you. We better split up, that way when something happens, you won't be-"

"And let that thing kill you with your own hands?" He interrupted. He went in front of me and shook both shoulders. "That's suicide."

"B-but I almost got us killed!!! If there is a chance that by sacrificing myself could get you out of here, I would do so in a heartbeat, no matter what it takes." A pale ghost just passed through the wall. Every single pair of ghastly eyes are staring at us. I tried to get them to lose interest by shutting up, but shutting up just made me cry even harder. I expected Ryan to say that splitting up is a bad idea, and create some stupid lie in order to stop us from separating, it will only get more complicated.

Instead, I felt his hand cup my face as he wipes away the tears with his thumb. "Don't cry. You have such a pretty face. Don't ruin it on crying." He smiled.

I turned away from him and wiped my tears with me sleeve.

"I don't think your powers are a burden." He told me. "In fact, if it weren't for you, I'd be dead already."

"But it was my weak mind that got me possessed in the first place." I argued.

"Huh?" He said. "That's not what I'm taking about. It's about the little brat. If you didn't warn me about his eyes, I would have stared at them directly, fallen and that kid would have slit my throat."

"Really? I never thought..."

"Besides, This power makes you different from any other girl. It makes you stand out from the crowd. It makes you unique."

"Not really." I replied modestly. "I know a couple more people who can do this..."

"And that thing about dying..." He looked away. "If you die, I would have killed myself on the spot, just so you won't e lonely. And I'm pretty sure you'd do the same thing. So, in conclusion, what do we say to death?" He gently lifted my chin, forcing me to stare at his deep green eyes. 

"Not today." I smiled. My face suddenly become very warm. Am I blushing?

He let go of me, went beside me and we continued walking down the dark hallway. If it wasn't for the little girl staring at us, I would have kissed him.

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