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What is this pain... in my staomach... and all ovetr my body?

I tried to stand up, but I slumped myself on the wall. I moved my hand from the pain in my side and it was covered in bbright red blood. My blood.

I could arely breathe. The pain wasexcruciating. I sat down and tried to make sense of my surroundings. Where am I? How did I get here?

I noticed Ryan in front of me, lying on the ground, grasping air, like he was being choked. Tyson and Phoebe look hesitant, like they ddon't know whether to run away or stay and fight. What the fuck is going on?

The it all started to come back to me.

I was walking down the hall. I was holding the pipe. I was furious that April died. Then, there was this little boy in the hall. He looked at me and I stared at his big black eyes. All of a sudden, i lost control of my body. My body was moving on its own and I felt like I was watching myself from a 3rd person's perspective in video games, only that I could not control myself.But, I did not follow myself, I was stuck to this area in the hall aas my body slowly left. I watched it go farther and farther, then evrything went black.

I know I was never here, but I remember saying all of those words, doing all of those things. I never wanted anybody to et hurt. I didn't want to hurt anybody.

My stomach started to hurt again. I know from the movies that if you are stabbed in the stomach, you are done for. And I am never going back down to that clinic ever again. The only was to escape this damn place is to find the exit...

Then, something rung in my head, a small memory. When the boy took control of me, it was as if our mind has become one, and I explored the boy's memories. I watched every hapless soul he have taken control of, every victim he has killed. It was like at a cinema, watching another Saw movie.

I remember this one guy, who was stabbed in the leg by the boy. He kept screaming "exit is at basement" to someone off camera, probably his friends. But by the looks of this school, the bbasement is probably huge and hidden. If only there was a-

Shit! The news clipping. Painfully, I slowly reached into my pocket and pulled out the crumpled, fragile news clipping. I tried my best to unfold it without getting anyy blood on the paper. When it was clear, I noticed the actual printing on the paper was so smudge, you can barely see any letters on it, but thee back portion still had the map.

I tried to stand, but my legs were too weak. Looks like I won't be abble to get out of here alive. I looked at Ryan, who was fighting an invisible being. He's as good as dead. I thought with tears streaming down my eyes. Which leaves...

"Ty...son..." I called out weakly. Tyson was hesitant to aproach me, so i simply tried to reach out with the piece of paper.

"G-g-et...t-this..." I tried my best to stand up and give it to him, but my body was too weak, so I ended up falling on the ground, arm still outtstreatched. "P-Please...."

Tyson grabbed the ipe on the ground for self-defense as he slowly approached. He snatched the paper and unfolded it to see the map.

"E-e-ex...i-it..." I said weakly.

"Are you sure?"

"Y...y..." I didn't even have enough strength to say yes. I pointed at Ryan, ""

Tyson was about to protest until he saw the outline forming. He gulped, grabbed Phoebe's hand and nodded at me. I tried to smiled, but coughed out blood instead. With tears in his eyes, he ran down the hall with Phoebe, I watched him slowly dissapeaar into the darkness.

Ryan was stuggling as the ghost appeared. My vision was fading out. Well, it was a fitting end to a guy who deserves it, right April?

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