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Hello, all you beautiful people on the internet.

Let me start by saying a very big and heartfelt SORRY. I did not intentionally miss updates and deadlines. It was my finals month and I had to keep up with my grades in order to pass the semester.

Nevertheless, I passed and now it's summer. Hooray, now I can update a little faster and a lot sooner than before.

I will no longer place a update schedule since I cannot keep them anyway.

Expect the next chapter soon.

Hope you enjoy your summer vacation and remember to take care!!! :)

A locked door... A scary room,.... blood everywhere.... Why won't this thing open?.... An earthquake.... Then everything went black.

I sat up after being knocked out from the recent earthquake. I probably hit my head hard on something, but it's a good thing there's no concussion, right?

I tried the door once more and  surprisingly it opened. Maybe the earthquake loosened it's lock.

I peered into the two sides of the dark hall. I remember Ryan sitting up the wall during the earthquake. Where did he go?

The walls were stained in dark blood. The empty hall is only illuminated by what I think is moonlight. This looks like the perfect setting for a horror game.

I venture down the dark hall, using a laser pointer's flashlight to guide me. I prepared myself for any jumpscares or sudden shocks. Blood on the floor, corpses all over the place, creaks of the old building...

As I pass the wretched smell of a nearby corpse, something buzzed. Like a phone vibrating somewhere. I checked my pockets for my phone, them I remembered that I left it back at the dorm. I followed the sound down the hall.

At the side of the wall was a corpse, sitting on the floor. It was a male, the hair was too short for a girl, though that could be debatable. His chest looked like something ripped it's way out of it. His deflated lungs were visible in the ribcage. Wedged between the two unmoving lungs was a glow of light, a phone. It was wedged horizontally into the chest cavity, like someone used the phone like a knife and stabbed the boy. On the backside was a  plain blue phone case with a glittering star smack in the center.

I gasped. That was Phoebe's phone! How the actual fuck did it get in there?

Maggots swarmed the roting lungs. A small bunch of them landed mockingly on the star. It was too gruesome to even look at.

I have to get it back. Not only because she's my friend or it's the right thing to do but also so she will be grateful for what I've done that she might consider my invitation to become my girlfriend in the future. But on another note, why would a phone be there in the first place?

I tried to keep the thoughts of Phoebe dying out of my mind. She tripped while holding the phone and it landed inside this guy's chest and she was too disgusted to reach inside and get it so she just left it there. Yeah, that's what really happened.

I looked away as I reached into the boy's torso. It was revolting, feeling the rotten blood and guts filled with maggots crawl on the back of your hand.

Shit, shit, fucking shit. Son of a tit. Oh, godgodgodgod.

The moment I got the phone in my grasps, I pulled it out so fast, it sent maggots flying to the adjacent wall. I shook the phone clean of insects. Just then did I notice that it stopped vibrating.

I surveyed her phone. A plain iPhone i-have-no-idea-which-model-this-is, nothing weird about it. Then I noticed it was not even turned on...

A thousand questions formed, but I dismissed these quickly, knowing I won't be able to answer them now.

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