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Hi guys and welcome to another chapter.

Let me start off by saying a very big SORRY to all the readers. This chapter is 2 weeks overdue, and it's the first new update of the book. I had a lot of things going on. With schoolwork and housework in place, there was barely any time left to edit, not even for a proof reading session.

Nevertheless, I decided to scrap the update schedule. I hate to dwindle in this, for the updates haunt me at night. I kept telling myself to update, update update! Now, I dexided ro upate the story every other day. That way, I make sure to put aside time to edit the following chapters.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy this short chapter. Take care!!!:)

One phone call later, all six met on neutral ground, the lobby.

The athlete was still teasing the medium and the medium playfully stuck her tongue out, though she felt a bit under the weather. The gamer was betting with the fanboy on who will freak out first. The nerd kept yawning for no apparent reason and the introvert is behind her.

"And then there were six." The medium announced.

"What did it take to convince April?" The fanboy teased. "A new pair of glasses?"

The genius simply ignored his comment and turned away.

"Oh, h-hey Phoebe." The gamer greeted. "You're coming too? Awesome." He gave an awkward thumbs-up while running his hand nervously through his waxed hair.

The introvert instantly hid from him, her cheeks were flushed red. "T-thanks... Y-you too, Tyson..." She replied.

After making bad puns at the medium, the athlete clasp his hands and rubbed them together, like an evil scientist would do. "Is everybody ready?" He announced. "We'll be leaving shortly."

"For what?" an outside voice asked. Everybody craned their necks and saw the landlady. Their faces turned pale and gulped in unison. They knew they weren't allowed to leave the building, much less explore the school after dark. If they get caught, as the genius has placed it, they would lose another weekend. An awkward silence was born.

This is way too easy to solve. A small snap of my tiny fingers gave them the excuse they needed.

"Uhm...." The gamer started. "Downstairs. Need Wi-fi ASAP. The connection is much better downstairs."

The landlady looked at them each in the eye, each one reacting with a "yeah" or small nod.

The landlady smiled, "Alright, just make sure you are back before bed-check." She stared especially hard at the athlete, whose muscles stiffened even more. "Or else you will spend the weekend doing whatever I want."

"Yup." Everybody said in unison before cowering down the flight of stairs.

The group silently descended the long flight of stairs. The rushed through the lobby, past the automated doors, dodged the pouring rain, and finally, made it to the side entrance of the dark school. I made sure the janitor "accidentally" left the door unlocked, though every single classroom was locked.

"Ready?" The athlete repeated. One by one, the teenagers slipped through the doorway. The last person, the genius, closed the door. When they were out of earshot, I locked the door and slipped into the shadows, watching them closely.

The whole school was dark. The only thing illuminating their path was the faint moonlight coming from the huge windows in the hall. On the other side of the hall were classrooms, abandoned for the night.

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