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Hello, all you beautiful people on the internet! This is sspeanut4 with a new chapter!!!!

As you might have noticed, I'm trying this little experiment of mine. I try writing chapters from the point of view of various people, not just one cohesive POV for the entire book. I also try not to point out who's point of view I'm writing in, since, I believe all of you are smart people, and will be able to understand in who's point of view we're reading from this time through context clues.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment down below, don't worry, I'm not that unapproachable.

If you like this chapter, don't forget to vote for it, tell your friends to read the book, I'm sure they'll love it too if you like it, after all, they are your friends. And I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.

Take care!!!

"....of the four victims had a different body part removed from them. All lacerations have been identified as paper cutter wounds. One of the children have her... entire left leg slowly and methodolically separated from her torso. Each child has additionally received over 50 stabs all over their bodies, autopsy ha-" whatever remains was burned off the edges.

"Why would a clipping from over 40 years ago be here?" Daisy asked me.

"How should I know?" I said as we continued down the dark macabre hallway.

"Well, you sounded like pretty much of a know-it-all about the school on the phone..." Daisy was guilt tripping me.

I sighed. "Yes, yes, this is all my fault." I sneered. "Now, can we just please go for 5 minutes of you not criticizing me of how shitty my idea was in the first place and focus on finding a way out of here?"

We've probably been wandering these halls for over an hour. Still it feels like we've been going in circles. I really want to find an exit as soon as possible and get out of this place. The hallways were simply illuminated by the faint moonlight and signs along the hall leading elsewhere, no fire exit sign anywhere.

We've had our fill of the dead, so I was starting to feel we won't make it out of here alive. And it's been a real walk in the park with Miss Scaredy Cat over here.

Daisy would rarely look ahead though. She was constantly avoiding looking in certain directions. She was usually lively back in the dorm, but here, it is as if someone drained her life force.

I stopped and asked her what's wrong, but she just held my hand. I have no idea why she did that. Probably just to scare me with her acting all occult and stuff, just to scare us. She is really fond of doing that back at the dorm.

I tried to shake her hand off, but she just grasped my hand again. She was persistent and seemed convinced that I would freak out any moment now. Giving up, I squeezed her hand back as we continued through the dark halls.

After a couple more turns and twists, blood and guts, we managed to reach the exit. The two giant blast doors stood in front of us and the tiny window on the door emitted a faint white glow.

"Finally!" I said triumphantly. "We can finally get out of this hellhole." I separated from Daisy and grabbed the doorknob. I twisted it, but the door did not budge.

I was confused. The locking button is on this side of the door, so how come it is locked? I started slamming and kicking the damn door; I even tried the tackle Coach Phillip taught me, with form and everything. Still, the stupid door did not budge.

"Shit!" I muttered bitterly.

All of a sudden, Daisy screamed. I flinched and saw her staring into a corner with her hands clutched to her head.

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