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I entered another messy room and was greeted by the fresh smell of copper. After searching around, I finally found the perfect specimen. A blonde young girl with maggots crawling out of her swollen eyes.

I smiled gleefully as I pulled out my phone. After a few quick snaps of the girl's mangled face, I left the room without a sound.

"I need to be more careful..." I scolded myself from that episode with Tyson. Pretty close shave over there.

I was walking down the empty hall, humming to a small tune, thinking of all the bodies I have seen. Another one suddenly fell from the opening in the ceiling. It landed with a satisfying splat on the wooden floor. The head exploded into a million juicy red guts and all the bugs swarmed the place. I took in a deep breath of the rotten air. It felt exhilarating as I started to snap pictures of the artful cadaver. It was like visiting a morgue, but with more pizzazz.

As I took numerous pictures of the smashed tomato, I suddenly thought of how excited April would get over a corpse. I sighed as I looked through all of the gore on my phone. "I wish April was here to see this..."

April. Cute, little, mature April. I don't exactly remember how I ended up liking her; maybe at the start of this whole tour. It was unnerving at first, why this girl would always keep studying even hen it's siesta time.

Then, one day, while I was crossing the campus, I heard someone scream. As i got around to investigate, i noticed some of the students were gging the other direction, either saying "Poor thing" or "Dude, you should totally check this out..." I crossed another corner and I saw a roadkilled cat. His head was still intact, but the entire mudsection was simply flat and red. I got closer and saw noticed how real the blood was. How viscous and crimson it really was. Then, all of a sudden, this same girl crept up next to me and poked the dead body with a stick. She did not look disgusted or amazed, simply curious. After a couple of pokes, she sat next to me to examine this thing. That's how we met. Apparently, the only reason why she is the only girl who isn't scared of a little blood and guts is because she plans to become a doctor, like her parents dream her of becoming. She said that she should learn how to get used to it since she'll be seeing more of that in the future.

Me? I just like the realism they put into it. I've seen plays, movies and videos on the internet about guts. Let's just say it's a different experiece when you are not sitted in front of a 12 inch screen.

I should really change my approach on her. All I do is make her mad. She's really cute when she's red. But, i would kill to make her smile. I have seen her smile a couple of times, usually when she's busy burning me. When she smiles, it's a different feeling, like she can lift all of my worries away. But, i haave no idea how to make her smile, like at all. When I see some other guy making her laugh. I feel like slicing the guy's throat out and shoving it down his mouth just so I can see it come out of the opening i made earlier. She's mine, and only mine; i will protect her from those fakers who only want to get in her pants. If anything ever happens to her...

Shit! I'm freaking out. I quickly grabbed my pen and started poking the eyeballs of the guy. Slowly, juices start squeezing out of his eyes and followed by little wrigglers. I kept at it until I felt like I need no more... for now...

I wiped my pen clean on the man's tattered shirt and continued down the hall. I know everyone would want to get out of this place as soon as possible. Everybody must be shitting their pants right now. If they could leave right now so I can be all alone in the morgue, that would be great.

I do miss April though...

A nearby bulletin board seemed to have something pinned to it. I took a closer look and it was an old tattered news clipping. There was no date and the paper was soaked in light red. Using my phone, I illuminated the clipping in order to get a better view.

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