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I grabbed hold of Tyson's arm, as he swung it bravely in front of me, protecting me from Ellie.

I have no idea why Ellie was right in front of us, or at least, why she stayed as a child when she survived that "thing" long ago. She should have lived to be an adult or something. She should be old enough to have children our age.

Yet, what I see in front of me was a small, frail child. A child no older than 10. A child who is smiling very, very wide with blood on her teeth and pale arms and probably dress, since it was red to begin with.

I squeezed Tyson's arm as I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. "Just make sure to come back to me."

He smiled. "Of course."

I wanted to kiss him, but this time is too early for celebrations. Besides, I'll definetly see him again later since that charm will protect him. I let him go and started walking backwards, slowly keeping an eye on both Tyson and Ellie, with the latter staring at me with bloodshot sunken eyes with red tears streaming slowly down her face.

He'll be safe, I thought to myself. He'll be back. We'll get out of here. Together.

"Ellie, is it?" I hear him say. "To get to her, you will have to get through me first."

My pace slowed. Something's wrong. Tyson is not reaching into a pocket or something. Is he stupid enough to think that just having it on his body will protect him? I stopped, but he must have sensed that I stopped cause he turned his head at me and shook it. It was like he can read my mind, so i nodded and continued down the hall, but slower than before.

Then, Ellie lunged at him, with two hands on her macabre weapon.

I imagined the charm to work like some sort of force field. The girl bouncing off from his power. Or her suddenly stopping like it's some kind of repellant.

Then, everything happened so fast.

The stab, the drop, the raise, the gleaming of the blade in the pale moonlight.

In horror, I watched Tyson's hands get stabbed as he tried to defend himself. Then, the girl yanked the blade away, dropping streams of blood into the think fog before Tyson fell to his knees, his abdomen was just above the fog. Ellie stood over Tyson, she was at least a foot taller than him now that Tyson was on his knees. Ellie proceeded to lick Tyson's blood off the blade.

"NOOOOO!!!!!" I shrieked, tears rolling down my eyes. I was wondering what went wrong. Was it that the charm was not strong enough? Was it because it was the wrong type of charm?

I heard a deep sinister voice echo the room, chant a familiar verse. "And now you will die, with her believing in a lie."

Thats when my eyes stopped crying. Tyson lied. He lied to protect me. He sacrificed himself to buy me some time. He knew he was not getting out of here alive.

And now you will die...

Without hesitation, I started to run towards Tyson. He turned to look at me, with tears streaming down his face. He looked scared. I screamed "TY!!!"

Then, Ellie did the deed.

Swiftly, the blade was plunged into the base of his neck and yanked out not another second later. Dark red blood sprayed out from his neck like a broken water valve, covering the murderer with his blood, before the pressure dropped and the blood flowed proforously. Tyson started drooling blood until it got more and more red. The boy I had a crush on turned back and used whatever strength he had left to spit blood on his murderer's face, before collapsing on the ground with a heavy thud, and disappearing into the fog, which has turned pinkish.

I fell to my knees and cried my heart out. I felt the tears and they would not stop flowing. I am all alone. The person I cared most in the world, dead in a world I do not even think exists. I was the only one left. Seeing my friends die: first April, then Daisy, then Arnold, then Ryan and now Tyson. "A-a-am I-I-I c-c-c-cursed?" I muttered in between sniffling.

A dark, eerie echo replied sarcastically to me, "Maybe it's just a coincidence." followed by a childish chuckle.

I ignored her comment and laid on the foggy floor, crying and crying. Why? Why me? Why am I left all alone?

"T-t-t-tyson..." I choked his name out. "Y-y-you promised..."

My heart was smashing into a hundred pieces. I could barely feel my limbs, they were shaking uncontrolably.

First my best friend, then my close friend, now my crush...

"Aww, how sweet..." Ellie's normal, but not less chilling, voice came from behind me. "A boy, willing to die for the likes of you? How...hilarious." She mocked.

That's when I noticed the fog getting thicker by the second. I started coughing. This is not a normal fog.

I sat up for some fresh air. After taking some deep breaths and wiping my tears, I noticed Ellie was gone, and that the fog was up to my breasts. Considering that Tyson and I were about the same height, the fog is rising. And it was rising fast.

I quickly stood to my feet and ran towards the direction Tyson wanted me to go. The tears were stinging my eyes as I looked towards the darkness. I know I can't bring Tyson back, but at least I can fulfill his dying wish.

I ran through the rising fog, the subzero temperature of the fog was freezing my legs and slowig my movement. After about a minute of running back, I was greeted by a big wide wall.

"Huh? I thought..." The fog was up to my chest already and I was starting to inhale it's toxic fumes.

I banged on the wall, screaming for help, hoping someone from the other side will smash this down, but to no avail. The fog was already on under my chin.

I swung my arms to throw the fog out of my way as I went back the way I came, the place that Tyson died. I was having difficulty walking through the fog, trudging through it was like water. The fog kept rising, like it was coming from some invisible vent.

I coughed and coughed. My throat ached. It felt like it was on fire. I was starting to get dizzy as I tried to keet my nose above the fog, before I tripped over something and fell down into the cold clutches of the mysterious fog.

My face landed hard on the floor. I rubbed my right cheekbone as I struggled not to breathe in the fog. Eventually, I ran out of breath and inhaled a lungful of fog, which felt like swallowing nails. My limbs ached and I was paralyzed on the marble floor. An unfamiliar voice kept repeating in my head, "Stay, stay, stay with me..."

"No..." I let out a whisper. My throat was aching too much to speak properly. I was drifting in and out of conciousness.

I started hallucinating. The fog started making pictures and images. It was pure horror. I saw how every one of my friends die over and over again, like its on a loop. April's explosion, Daisy's beheading, Arnold's stabbing, Ryan's gouging and Tyson's slitting.

I can feel myself screaming and crying, yet I do not hear myself screaming. This was torture. Pure torture. And the echoing laughter, it was horrible. I shut my eyes and clenched my ears, screaming "Stop!!! Make it stop!!!"

Then, everything went quiet. I tried to open my eyes and I see someone standing over me. They pick me up slowly and I lay in their arms. I slowly drift out of conciousness as I wiff their strawberry-scented hair wax.

"Thank you..." I whispered.

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