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I could feel the cold hard ground on my side. My breathing was bad since the air was horribly dusty. The surroundings were dark as night, but I think my eyes have adjusted to the darkness. I sat up from the dusty floor and rubbed my head. What just happened?

I surveyed my dark surroundings. It looked like a classroom. A rather tiny one. The likes I have never seen in our campus' buildings.

Wait... the school. I started to stand as I remembered how I got here. I brushed my jeans and olive jacket from all that dirt, then I closed my eyes and started to recall. My room, the dare, Tyson's features, the dark school, the terrible earthquake, and finally the bottomless pit.

I inhaled sharply. Was this the bottom of that pit? A......classroom? 

I tried to look towards the ceiling to know where I came from., but all I saw was a solid, dirty ceiling. If there 's no hole, then how did I reach here?

I walked around the dark classroom. The tables and chairs were barely recognizable, they were nothing more than a few broken splinters of wood. The board was written in red chalk, but is red chalk that dark in color?  There was also a revolting smell in the room. 

I looked outside the huge glass windows. There was a playground outside, followed by a dark forest. The swings were swaying gently. The only thing illuminating the room was the faint moonlight from the moon, which looks unusually huge.

A groan came from the other side of the room. I crept to the source, careful not to hurt myself from all the broken tables and chairs. I found a young girl laying in the dust, slightly moving. I quickly jumped to her aid.

"April!" I cried out. She had bruises all over her legs. I remembered advising her not to wear short shorts, but she didn't listen. Now, her exposed white legs are covered with red bruises. She opened her eyes slowly and groaned.

"Phoebe? Is that you?" April slowly sat up and glanced around. "W-Where are we?"

"A classroom. Probably not the worst place you could be." I teased.

"Are we still in the school?" April muttered.

"I think so."

I tried to help April up, but she suddenly grimaced and fell. I caught her before she kissed the ground, again. "What's wrong?" I asked

April sat down and pointed to her left foot. "I think I sprained my ankle, when we fell." When she said that, she instinctively looked up, then her face hardened. "Wha-? How?"

I pulled out a handkerchief. "It's okay. You're not crazy. I also can't see it." I wiped the blood off thesmall cuts on her legs.

"But a big gaping hole can't just appear and disappear out of nowhere!" She argued.

I whipped out my phone to see if I could contact anyone else. But, there were no bars. "No reception?" I said bewildered, to which April replied, "Great, just when we needed it."

I pocketed my phone and helped April up. She leaned on me as we made our way through the dark classroom. In the darkness, I found a peeling door handle and opened it, leading into an unfamiliar hallway. It too was dimly lit by moonlight. Right across the hall was a high window and something that smelled terrible. April tried to lean on the wall as I fished out my phone. Using the light on my phone, I illuminated the item, and I saw a rotting body... of a human being.

"Ahh!!!" April screamed as she fell backwards. I, too fell backwards and want to stay as far away from the corpse as possible. I could not forget seeing it's every detail: the peeling pale skin over it's dried up flesh, the hollowed out eyes and sunken cheeks, the maggots squirming inside it's open torso, and blood and guts are sprawled out all over the wooden floor. I feared that it might come back to life at any moment, chuckling maniacally, while ready to kill me. I held my mouth to stop me from throwing up, but I heard April gagging. I simply sat back as I reswallowed my dinner. Where in the world did we end up in?

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