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"Crap, Arnold, what have you gotten in you?" I said as I held one end of the pipe. We were like two kids playing tug-of-war, only that the "mud" was most likely Arnold caving in my skull. The pipe was not really rusty, just covered is fine dust and old cement.

All of a sudden, Phoebe screamed. I glanced away from Arnold and saw something scary.

Daisy was floating in midair. Her leg was shot up into the air and it seems as if she was dangling in the air wavering there. Her jeans were tugged at the very top, like something is holding her, but there was not-

Suddenly, Arnold slugged me right in the face. I was distraught, angry and frightened at the same time. I pinned Arnold's small frame towards the wall. I was about to smash his face in until I saw Daisy suddenly flew into the hallway we came from. Her shrill scream pierced the air as it got more and more ear-piercing.

"What's going on?" Tyson yelled.

Then, there was a sharp sound in the air followed by something like a bowling ball falling on the floor.

Arnold's eyes lit up. He kicked me in the groin and I fell over hunched. I expected him to start beating me with the pipe, but he dropped in and hurriedly ran towards the hallway. As I regain my bearings, I tried my best to run after Daisy, hoping that she'll be alright.

Then I remembered the wire.

Ignoring the pain, I ran as fast as I could after Arnold. No, God please no, no, no, no. After what felt like forever, I stopped and fell to my knees.

The wire glistened in the moonlight; it had a small amount of flesh stuck to it and was dripping of blood. Daisy's head was cleanly sliced off, straight and on the neck. Her body was plopped on the side like a doll torn apart by it's owner. My stomach lurched and I puked, and cried at the same time. Oh dear God why? Why!?!

My ears started ringing and my vision blurred. All I could see were flashbacks, from the day we first met to the time she fired the potato cannon. Her voice calling my name was like on remix, repeating every single time she called my name. I should have called back. I should have kissed her a while back.

I screamed at the top of my lungs like a little kid and fell on the floor, crying. I never got to tell her how I really felt for her... 

My ears have started to work again the moment I heard a shutter sound. As i turn my head towards the flashing sound, my eyesight started working again. And i saw Arnold, standing over Daisy's headless body, snapping pictures like a paparazzi.

My rage boiled inside me. I wiped my face, stood up and started toward Arnold. He was too preocupied with his subject to notice me.

Then, everything went very fast. I grabbed him by his shoulders and twisted him so hard, his phone flew out of his grip and rattled to the floor. I bashed his head into the wall and flipped him over like a table. He landed with a thud on the ground behind me, his nose was bleeding hard.

I laughed at the sight of his broken nose. "You should look at yourself right now!!!" I said as i delivered a football kick into his face, knocking him backwards. I got down, picked him up and delivered a solid hook at him, knocking him down once again. We got closer to the big room again and I saw Tyson protecting Phoebe from us.

"The fuck are you doing?" I yelled at the coward. " Get your ass over here and restrain him!"

Before Tyson could take another step, he paused, then pointed at me, screaming: "Look out!"

I turned and before i could even see what he was pertaining to, i was slammed with a heavy force to the face and it made me see stars before i fell backwards. Before I could get up, Arnold was on top of me and was strangling me.

"Do you know how much memory of pure gore i had on that thing?" He cried out. "Now, i need a new photo album, and you will be the cover photo."

As i struggled to keep breathing, i noticed that Arnold's eyes were pure black. There was no white part in his eyes, just pure darkness. It was so dark, it was like staring into another dimension.

My arms went wild as i tried to smash the idiot's face. But he was like a mountain that was immovable. He barely flinched as my weakening blows landed on his face. My vision was slowly going blurry. I stopped hitting him and started to try to get away from him. As my fingers scratched the wooden flooring, my fingers brushed something on the floor. Without a second thought, i grabbed it and tried to stab Arnold with it.

"Gah!!!" Arnold's grip loosened and my vision returned slowly. I saw Arnold colapse on the wall next to us and was holding a small wound on his stomach. I reflected the thing in my hand into the light and saw that it was a box cutter. I did it. I avenged you, Daisy.

Then i realized that i just stabbed my best friend.

Before i could stand up, i felt something close on my neck. And the world of pain started again. I was being stangled by... nothing? Arnold was still against the wall. I grabbed the places where the hands would be, but it was if i passed through air. What exactly is stangling me?

Suddenly, a dark shadow started to materialize on top of me. It started with the hands and slowly go towards the entire body. It was too dark for me to see, but i believe it was a small, fraile body with a monster grip. The shadow slowly materialize until the kast thing to materialize were his eyes. Dark black eyes. Just like Arnold's.

My heart skipped a beat. It was the little kid in the hall!!! And he was controling Arnold.

"Miss me, big brother?" The boy said with a glaring white smile.

Out of self defense, I stabed the boy in the neck using the box cutter. When i tried to pull it off, it was stuck in the boy's neck. His grip did not change and he was still staring intently at me, even though his eyes no longer had any effect on me, for some weird reason. No blood flowed, just a box cutter stuck in the boy's neck.

"Thank you for returning this to me, big brother." He removed one of his hands from my neck and retrieved the box cutter from his neck. The strength of the grip did not change. It was like being strangled by Arnold over again.

"I still want to play with you, big brother." The boy said as he raised the box cutter in the air. Arnold's warm blood dripped from the blade and landed on my forehead. I tried to look at Tyson, but he has already left with Phoebe.

"Don't worry, big brother." The boy snickered. "My playmates will play with your other friends, so they won't be lonely. Hehehe."

Was this the end? Will I die killing my friend?

Then, the blade plunged down, aimed straight at me.


"Stay with us.... FOREVER..."

My vision turned red, then black. The only thing I could do is scream.


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