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Where am I? Am I...dead?

The first thing I noticed was the whiteness of the room. Everything was white. I was lying on something soft and comfortable, unlike the floor earlier. This must be heaven.

Then I saw Tyson's face mere inches from mine.

I sat up and move away from him. "Morning, sleepyhead." He said, smiling.

"Where are we?" I asked. I looked around and noticed that there was a huge white sheet in all fours. I was lying on a small bed, that, while more comfortable than the cold marble floor, was much less soft than my own bed in the dorm.

"Relax, relax" Tyson said as he pulled away the curtains. A white room greeted me, with two other beds. Each bed had one of us girls on it. Daisy was drinking something from a paper cup while Ryan was talking to her. April was sitting up on her bed using her phone while Arnold sat in a corner with a small plastic bucket in his hands. Nobody seemed to have any marks on them, nor did they change out of their regular clothes. Everybody seems ok and alive. Is this really what heaven looks like?

"Well, good thing you're awake." Somebody said. When I looked, there was a woman in a doctor's uniform sitting by a desk. She was popping medicine out of a small canister. "It was a really good thing I was working late."

I was confused. "Wha? What's going on?"

The doctor did not look up. "Ugh, this is the sixth time I am explaining it. I found you guys lying in the corridor at around 9 last night. I called your teachers and they sent a few of your friends to move you guys here. At around 1, she woke up," the nurse pointed at April. "Then her, then him, him, him and finally you." She proceeded to point everyone until ending at me.

My head was kind of numb. "So..." I started. "The school, the curse, the ghosts..."

"...was all just a dream." Tyson finished. "But, for some reason we had a 'together dream'" he did circular motions with his forefingers

I was confused. "What?"

"Remember, that episode of 'Adventure Time', where Finn and Jake were fighting a big ass barnhouse and they were both punched and they both had a dream with the car salesman and..." the rest of the words were just alien to me. This normally happens when Tyson gets all excited about a topic, so I just nod and smile like I understood him.

I exhaled deeply. So it was all just a dream. Nothing really happened in real life. I could feel tears roll down my cheeks as I looked around and seeing my friends all alright. But most important, I was glad that Tyson was all right and he did not die. Nobody did. We were all alright.

"The golden apples an- H-hey!" Tyson reacted as I unconciously hugged him out of sheer relief. After about 2 seconds of contact, I let go of him and smiled.

"I'm glad you're all awake." A familiar voice was saying. Our techer suddenly came through the doorway and placed her turqoise fingernails on the doctor's workdesk. "And as a sign of how happy I am to see you all right from disobeying my order, you six are banned from leaving the dormitory during the weekend. Is that clear?"

"Yes," everybody spoke in unison. I would gladly trade away the weekend for everybody's lives.

When she finally left, I remembered something. "Was there an... earthquake?" I asked the doctor.

"No, the night was calm." The nurse replied.

"Then what caused all of us to black out all of a sudden?"

"No idea." The doctor shrugged. "There was no injury or blow to each of your forhead, and from the medical history in your application form for this tour, none of you had any experience of fainting. Maybe a sudden change in atmospheric pressure?" I hate it when the medical expert is unsure of what's going on in my body.

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