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Hi guys. Are you guys as excited as I am for my new story?!? I wrote this in my trip away from the computer. I love Corpse Party and wanted to write something, you know, with as much gritty gore as possible.

This story will only be short (Sorry guys). 12 Chapters only. I explained everything in the first part, so don't worry.

I love all you guys and I hope to see you guys next time, Take care!!!!!

It was a typical rainy evening in June. The sun had already set, the leaves emit an invigorating aroma and the school's janitor has just left the building. It was well after 7pm, and the rain has not stopped pouring since noon.

All the dark, gloomy atmosphere did was escalate my appetite. I licked my red teeth as I wait patiently for supper. And I can see the helpless souls now, glowing bright red, as if I was viewing them from under a pair of thermal goggles.

All six of them just lived across the street, in a nearby dormitory, literally twenty feet away from the main school building. All of them, just sitting in their own individual rooms, some busy doing stuff while others staring into space. All their bored little minds need is a little excitement, a little adventure. That is where everything begins. The memories, the joy, the laughter, and the pain. And pain is my comfort food. But, they need a little push. After all, a fire won't start unless a spark happens. I let my long fingernails gleam in the moonlight before giving them a little snap.

The athlete was the target. After lying in his messy bed for a long time, fascinated by a dirty wall, his face lit up and his mouth curved into a smile. Message successfully sent

He rocked his body into a ball before launching himself off the mattress, landing flat on the floor without a sound. He stretched his arms and cracked his neck. It was a good thing I chose him, he was the easiest to convince, after all. And the most persuasive. Humans are such simpletons; lucky for me, I left them a long time ago.

Slipping his bare feet into Jordans, he left his room and barged into the room across the hall. The gamer's room.

The gamer was lying on the top of a bunk bed, playing with his phone. He wore a dirty tank top, red shorts and white socks. He looked away from his phone for a few seconds, checked who entered his room, then returned his focus on the mobile device.

"Tyson," the athlete said to the gamer. "What time is it?"

The gamer did not look away from his phone screen. "I don't know, Ryan" he muttered, "Clock's above the TV."

The athlete glanced at the clock before making a sly grin. "It's only 7:30." he told the gamer. "We still got a good 2 hours before bed-check."

"So?" The gamer yawned. "What do you want to do?" He closed his phone and rubbed his sore eyes. "I'm all ears."

"How about a little fun for tonight?" The athlete challenged. "We head to school, stay there for an hour, then get out. how does that sound?"

The gamer placed his phone beside the lamp. "Fine. As long as we're not the only ones there. Something might happen." The gamer stood up and stretched his body awake. "Who else is joining?"

"I'll call Daisy and the girls." The athlete admitted.

The gamer slipped his feet into his shoes. "I'll invite Arnold, if that's ok with you." The gamer told the athlete.

The athlete whirled around and took a seat on the leather chair next to an old telephonep. "Go ahead. Just make sure you don't get him too excited." The athlete warned the gamer. The gamer sighed heavily and left the room without saying another word.

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