Oceans, Chapter Nine - Kowasu [壊す]

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Amaya had no idea if the guy called Isogai had even seen her and Reiko leave the Cafe, and right at that moment Amaya honestly couldn't care less. She walked silently with Reiko clinging desperately to her arm, leaving the pleasant silence of the cafe to the world outside with her insides boiling from the anger that had decided to bubble over.

Right now, it was all Amaya could do to keep her mouth shut, lest she upset Reiko any more than she already had been.

The group of five had evidently grabbed Yuta while he was on his way back from wherever it was he had needed to go.

This wasn't the first time someone had tried to take a swipe at the twins to draw her out, but it was the first time they had actually taunted her with the fact face-to-face like this. Normally, she'd receive a telephone call from one of their phones, and on the other end of the line was a smug, egotistical bastard giving her a time and location to come collect the children. Normally she was angry enough to put people in hospital when the twins were picked up by delinquents, but that was nothing in comparison to the fury she was feeling right now.

This might be the first time she'd beat someone to the point of breaking their spirit, too.

At Amaya and Reiko's exit of the Cafe, the group of high-schoolers grinned and began to lead the way wordlessly away from the vicinity. They began to walk towards an alleyway that lead south, veiled in darkness from late-afternoon shadows, leading the way to the blood-bath that they didn't know they were walking into.

Just like always, they wanted to bring this to a less-populated area.

It was an unfortunate fact that the twins were rather used to this - Used enough to it that they knew what course of action to take without Amaya having to tell them. It was safer that she didn't have to tell them what to do, and they just went on their own.

Because nobody would hear the plan before it was in place.

There was just one thing that Amaya had drilled into their heads as soon as they were old enough to understand. As soon as they were old enough to see that their big sister got into fights all the time, they were forced to learn how to run.

It was the one thing that Amaya wanted out of the both of them; They needed to be able to run fast, and far, as fast as they were possibly able to go.

The golden rule with these situations was simple in and of itself, and while they didn't like it, both Yuta and Reiko obeyed without question; Unless they were otherwise instructed, the one rule was to run to the nearest police station and have one of officers take them home. They weren't allowed to worry about Amaya, because while she would get bloodied up, she could take care of herself in a fight. She'd return home in mostly one piece, and life would continue.

She couldn't do that when delinquents with loose-morals had bargaining chips against her.

Their safety was her priority, and they understood that.

So, to avoid making things worse for Amaya, the twins obeyed without question.

Because while they were always terrified, they trusted in their sister to do what's best.

Amaya and Reiko followed the walking dead far enough into the alleyway where nobody would notice the commotion, where Amayas feet fell motionless, and Reiko hid herself behind Amaya's rigid form. Her bag was secured in place, ready for the desperate run for the police station.

Noticing Amaya's halt, the group of delinquents slowed to a halt. The one holding the strap of Yuta's backpack cast a mocking smile over at Amaya.

'Ooh, got cold feet, 'ave we?' He questioned, his deep voice inflicting uncomfortable shivers down Amaya's spine. 'Come on, Girlie, a bit further down we've got the whole gang waitin' for ya.'

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