Oceans, Chapter Thirty Two - Hitori de [一人で]

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There wasn't a lot that could be said about Amaya's time leading up to Monday.

After spending the whole of Thursday deliberately wandering through areas known to be delinquent hot-spots just to try and goad some of the idiots with half a brain into picking a fight with her, Amaya returned to her apartment covered in enough blood to even scare some of the railway security guards into asking if she was in need of medical attention.

Of course, she actually was, but she waved it off pretty well by telling them she was actually on her way to a hospital she trusted.

One of the delinquents right at the end of her beat-down rampage had pulled a knife sharpened to a razor edge on her, and in the middle of trying to pin her to the ground by stabbing her through the shoulder, he had managed to not only slice several rather nasty gashes into her left arm, but cut a chunk of her hair right up to her shoulder as well. That's disregarding all of the little nicks to her neck, shoulder and face she'd sustained just trying to avoid the knife-happy asshole from turning her into swiss cheese.

So she not only needed to sew her arm shut, but she also had to get a haircut.

She couldn't bring herself to regret any of it, though.

The time that wasn't spent kicking delinquent teeth in was actually spent trying to figure out what she wanted to do. By the time she got home, she had a plan of action. She put that plan of action into motion immediately.

There was no point in skipping the trip; Her gut told her that something was going to drag her whether she wanted to go or not. It could be one of her classmates, or it could be the octopus himself. It could even be Karasuma or Irina that would step in and drag her along despite her wishes.

So Amaya decided that she wasn't going to go to school on Friday just to see what would happen.

After cleaning up and sewing the gashes in her arm shut, Amaya began to make arrangements, trying her absolute best to ignore the large chunk of hair that had been chopped off on the left side of her head.

Nothing too dramatic, of course. Just some barriers to keep a hypocritical octopus from touching her the whole time she'd be in Kyoto. And it would be interesting to see if any of her ideas had an effect on him, and in what way.

After being in Class E for just under a month, Amaya had learned something that the weakness-spotting Nagisa may not have realized.

Koro-sensei hated being ignored, especially if it was obvious he was being ignored on purpose.

If he was trying to talk to a student and they plain well ignored him for no reason at all, he would grab whatever had the student's attention just so he could talk to them.

Therefore if Amaya ignored Koro-sensei at all during the trip, he was going to make at least a couple of attempts at getting her attention.

He'd do things like tap her on the shoulder, or yank whatever she was looking at right out of her hands. So she had to take measures to dissuade that.

She ground up the whole packet of Anti-Sensei BB's she had into a fine powder, mixing a portion of it with some fabric softener to soak several sets of her makeshift uniform in it for a while - She'd also iron them just to try and have the dust adhere to the fabric a little. After that, she mixed some of the dust with some clear shoe-polish, and cleaned up her bloodied boots before adding a layer of it to the leather, and did the same for her fingerless gloves.

Deciding to go the extra mile, Amaya mixed some of the BB-dust with a clear paint and applied it to her headphones, cable and all.

Basically anything that she could apply the BB-dust to, she did. The more she could apply it to her person, the less likely Koro-sensei would be to try and get her attention if he'd start turning to gloop upon contact.

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