Skies, Chapter Five - Kaze [風]

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After spending the whole afternoon being introduced to a rather astounding range of video games, Amaya returned home and fell asleep almost as soon as her head had hit the pillow. She'd had the tunes from those games running through her head all through her sleep, and when she woke up she was plagued with them in the conscious world, too.

Though it was a good thing she had her music on her phone - She'd drown them out with other songs.

She'd woken up later than usual, though it wasn't really in her disfavor. She got organized in plenty of time, and she'd thought ahead and prepared most of the obento fillings before she went to bed.

Amaya stifled a yawn as she made her way up the mountain trail to the classroom, still feeling the effects of the training afternoon with Shigure just the other day.

But at least she didn't feel so creaky and stiff anymore.

Amaya had finally opened the envelope that had her allowance before she'd left home, and she'd been rather horrified at the fact that she'd been walking around with what was the equivalent to a third of the yearly budget in her bag the whole time. She had no idea if Shigure even realized just how much he'd given to her, or that she really wouldn't know how to spend so much money just on herself. On the twins? Sure, she did that all the time, so it was fine, but for herself?

Give her money for her birthday, and she was almost guaranteed to spend it on bills instead.

But she'd wrestled with the contemplation long enough for her to have decided to replace her late MP3 player at the very least, and now that she knew just how much god damn money Shigure insisted she spend on her own whims, she had to think on how she was going to do that without being frivolous with it.

So, after school, she was on her way down to Akihabara to wander the electronics stores.

After swapping her shoes over in the foyer of the classroom building, Amaya made her way towards the classroom, still scouring her mind for other contemplations that required money.

Though as Shigure had obviously known, she kept on coming back to a keyboard in the end.

The Music Scores she would often draw in class were all piano scores after all.

Sliding the door of the classroom open, Amaya found herself stumbling upon a rather peculiar sight.

A good third of her classmates were here, and they were all standing around the front of the classroom, all for some reason squished in to watch something in Maeharas hands.

Nakamura Rio, Okano Hinata, Sugaya Sousuke, Okajima Taiga, Kimura Masayoshi, Mimura Kouki, Kanzaki Yukiko, and Kurahashi Hinano were all staring intently at the screen.

Isogai was nowhere to be seen, though his bag was hanging from his desk.

She couldn't quite hear what was playing from the phone itself, though from the way that everyone was watching, it must be kind of interesting. She wasn't particularly interested in finding out what they were watching, however - She stifled another yawn as she discarded her bag onto her desk and slumped down in her seat.

If it was something fun, Maehara was bound to show her at some point anyway.

'Awww, she's surprisingly cute when you see her like this.' Kurahashi spoke up.

'Really?' Nakamura asked, a brow lifted in confusion. 'She seems like a cat, to me.'

'Cats are cute!'

Amaya felt her ears beginning to burn a little at those words, though she decided to shrug them off.

She'd practically forgotten that Maehara had set his phone up to record yesterdays gaming session, so it didn't fully occur to her that it was the recording that they were watching.

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