Skies, Chapter Twenty Nine - Sasayakimasu [ささやきます]

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'Amaaaaay!' Came Amaya's unwanted morning wakeup bright and early on Monday morning.

It was remarkably early - Scarcely 6am by the colour of the light filtering through the gaps of her curtained window. And yet, Reiko called through the door much like it was some time in the middle of the day on a weekend.

Amaya let out a small groan as she shifted slightly on her bed, hoping more than anything that Reiko would leave her to sleep a little longer.

Of course, she never got what she wished for.

The door of her room opened with a slam of the door hitting the wall, and the madly giggling girl threw herself into a dash for the girl lying in the bed.

'Amay! Come on Amay!' Reiko called, shaking her sister by the shoulder roughly to try and source a reaction.

No response.

'Amay come oooon!' Reiko whined, her volume and pitch increasing as Amaya remained silent. 'I made breakfast, Amay!'

'...Liar.' Amaya mumbled in eventual response.

'I'm not lying, now come on!' She responded immediately, grabbing the corner of Amaya's blanket and pulling it down until came off the bed completely.

'Last time I checked, you didn't even know how to set up the rice-cooker ...' Amaya mumbled, though her nose did wrinkle a little at a sickly-sweet smell that began to fill her room.

'I do too! I even used the stove!' Reiko responded indignantly. 'I'll prove it!'

And with that, Reiko threw herself on top of Amaya's bed to slap her hands over Amaya's face.

Immediately as she was assaulted by an over-energetic eleven year old with sickly-sweet smelling hands, it was all Amaya could do to try and block her sisters attack by squishing her pillow over her face as a barrier.

'Go away ...' She managed to speak through the pillow, earning a huff from Reiko.

'Get up, or I will send a picture to Creepy-sensei!'

Amaya was silent at first, letting Reiko's threat sink in on her.

A picture? What kind of picture would she send to Koro-sensei, or at the very least deem worthy enough to threaten to send it to Koro-sensei?

Before long, she shifted the pillow to cast a suspicious look at Reiko.

'Tell me-- what picture are you talking about?' She questioned seriously.

Instead of looking concerned or meek, Reiko instead cast Amaya a rather mischievous look instead.

'Come eat breakfast, and I will show you!' She responded, dropping herself off the bed to go back into the other parts of the apartment.

Amaya let out a breath as she reluctantly dragged herself out of bed to do as she was told.

The scent of sickly sweet was overwhelmingly strong in the rest of the apartment, to the point where Amaya couldn't pick up on anything else.

Well, except the scent of soy mixed in with it.

Feeling like she had better check, Amaya ran her hands through her hair as she made her way to her seat at the dining table.

She found there were no unknown attachments put in place, thankfully, and a check of her lower-back told her that there was no tail, either.

So she was free to stare down at the strangest form of breakfast she had ever seen as Reiko set it on the table in front of her.

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