three // day 2

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My phone interrupts my beauty sleep, and I'm about to hit snooze and ignore it when I realize that-

One, I had school today, and two, my phone was across the room.

I groggily get up and nearly stumble over my own feet to get to the phone and turn the alarm off. I put it far away on purpose, so I could actually get up on time for once.

The past three weeks consisted of me being late (not horribly late, no more than half an hour) to school on most days, but Ashton had to drive me to school now, so I couldn't lag.

I throw on a low cut maroon colored shirt, and a pair of light wash shorts. Decent.

I didn't have the time to go full out today, so my makeup was finished in ten minutes, while I hastily ate a cup of yogurt.

Grabbing my phone and my backpack, I stuff last night's homework in a binder.

What really sucked was, all the teachers knew I was the bad kid of the school. They all knew I was doing this program. And they all knew why.

And teachers gossip.

I take a seat near the front door and turn on my phone, scrolling through my social media quickly. Everyone was having fun at parties and taking group selfies while I sat miserably at home or was stuck with Ashton. I wasn't quite sure which one was worse. Maybe being with Ashton.

Someone knocks on my door three times, and I peek through the side window. Ashton is there, and it's the first time I see him wearing a little more color than black, surprising me.

He's wearing a brown tank top under a blue denim jacket, with his usual ripped black skinny jeans. His feet are covered with black converse.

His hair is messy yet falls in perfect curls, and his hands were stuffed into his pockets.

I open the door, and he gives me a wide smile.

Better mood than yesterday I see. Not me.

"Good morning, Zara. Nice to see you're ready."

I roll my eyes after yawning, wiping my eyes of the tears that came with it. "Only because if I weren't, you'd insist on coming inside my house and I don't want that to happen."

He laughs and it irritates me to the max.

I get in the car and the smell of mint hits me strong, and it immediately wakes me up. "Too early," I mutter, "Too early."

"What was that?" He asks, nearing the school already.

"Nothing." I say. I live close enough to school that I can walk, but nope, he's got to be on my heels.

I get out of the car and Ashton follows, taking out his own backpack.

My eyes widen. "Are you taking classes with me now?"

He chuckles, shaking his head. "Fortunately not. I have my own stuff to do. You know, I'm responsible, I don't procrastinate, I actually care about my future." He lists.

I roll my eyes. "I care about my future too. But only for half an hour a day."

"Seems to me as though it's none."

"Shut up."

"You will not speak to me that way. Do you know how disrespectful that is?"

"Look who's talking." I mimic him from the previous day. "You acted pretty damn disrespectful to me yesterday."

I'm waiting for him to call me out on my 'language', but he surprisingly doesn't, and just shoos me away as if to tell me to get to class.

And I do.

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