five // day 3

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"Hey! We're gonna join you guys." Luke smiles at Jessa before taking a seat next to her.

I bite into my sandwich and lower my eyes, praying that this wouldn't be as bad as it already was.

Michael rushes over, holding his three slices of pizza in a silly manner, and sliding onto the other side of Jessa.

"Could you please scoot over a bit, Zara?" Calum asks, and I look up and give him a smile, scooting over. The way he said my name never failed to make my heart beat.

Calum's knees touched mine and it's driving me crazy. Luke, Jessa, and Michael strike up a conversation about cats, and Calum looks at me, grinning slightly. "How've you been?"

"Me? I've been fairly well, thanks. You?"

"Good as well. I heard you have a boyfriend?"

My eyes wander over all of his face and body, trying to detect if he looked jealous. He didn't sound jealous. It had been four months, he's over me.

"Yeah, I do."

"Cool. Does he go here?"

"Uh, no." Crap. Did Ashton still go to school? If so, which one?

Which is exactly what Calum has to ask. "Which school?"

"He goes to university. UCLA." I mutter, trying to keep calm.

Calum buys it, nodding. "That's cool. Have you done anything fun lately? Anything rebellious?" Calum smirks, and I smirk back.

"I'm planning on it. Don't have anyone to go with, though."

"Yeah? Well, Luke is throwing another party Friday night. Oh, that's tomorrow, actually. Yeah, you should come. Should just start around an hour after school ends."

I nod enthusiastically. "Sure! Yeah I'll make an appearance."

"See you there." Cal smiles widely, and starts eating his burger.

I let out a deep breath I hadn't realized I was holding, and get up to throw away the remainders of my lunch I didn't have the appetite to eat anymore.

When I make my way back to the table, Michael is waving at me crazily. "Zara Marie Phillips! You're going to bring that boyfriend of yours to the party, right?"

"My boyfriend? Oh, um, I can ask."

"Excellent. Although, if he says no, he's still coming, okay?"

I nod, trying to keep a genuine smile on my face.

Well, that shouldn't be a problem. He had to follow me, even if he didn't want to.


"You will have the entire period to complete the test, I will not give any extra time. Once the tests are all passed out, you may begin." Ms. Davison's voice chirps unhappily.

She goes down the rows, handing out the tests. I spot a staple. Great. More than one page.

When she gets to me, she eyes me threateningly, pursing her lips. She then takes a test and slams it down on my desk. I'm shocked at how disrespectful she is, but then again, I didn't ever pay attention in her class. But weren't teachers supposed to know better?

I pick up my pencil and begin, and am surprised at how easy the questions are. Although Ashton and I have spent more time doing the activities and being pissed at each other, doing the homework has helped a lot. I was pretty sure I could get a B on this quiz.

At the end of the period, Ms. Davison collects all the tests and dismisses everyone except for me, again.

"Zara. I will grade this test in front of you. You can see your results immediately." She picks up a red pen and starts scanning my paper. "How's the program going?"

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