six // day 4

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When I wake up, it's twenty minutes after my alarm would've gone off. Which also means I'll be late for school in ten minutes. What the hell?

I throw the covers off of my body and scurry around the room, looking around frantically for my phone. No luck anywhere. I couldn't waste my time here.

I just get dressed and go downstairs and munch down a granola bar.

I see the time. Ashton will be here any minute.

Right when I thought of that, the lock on the front door unlocks. My eyes grow wide and I immediately dive behind the couch, a place I always hid when I used to play hide and seek with the neighbor, because they never bothered to check this place.

Was someone breaking in? This was ridiculous. I must be dreaming. I pinch myself to make sure. Nothing happens.

The door opens and I hold my breath, trying to make myself curl as small as possible.

Ashton, with a white muscle tee and his usual jeans and shoes walks inside. His hair is in a ponytail. It looks interesting on him, but nice at the same time. I was never a fan of man buns or ponytails, but I changed my mind after seeing it on him.

"Zara?" He calls out.

I pop out from behind the couch.

Ashton reacts to the sudden movement and clutches his chest. "Jesus, why were you behind the couch?"

"Because I was eating food, and the door unlocked itself. I thought you were a bad guy trying to break in!"

"My sincere apologies." He says, as I get out from behind the couch.

"How the hell did you get inside?"

Ashton ignores my language. "I'm so sorry, Zara. Yesterday, I accidentally slipped your keys in my pocket."

"When you examined them, right."

"I would've knocked, and just handed them over, but I took your phone too, and never gave it back. Therefore I assumed you didn't have an alarm, and would've still been sleeping, so my knock wouldn't do anything."

"You could try knocking first and then coming in." I head out the door and to his car, hoping the smell of the mint wakes me up again.

It does. I forgot just how strong it was.

"Sorry about that Zara. You look different today."

I frown. "Different? How?"

"Pretty." He says, and I detect a slight blush on his face. "I mean, you're always pretty. Like, you're not ugly. Just- you're not wearing makeup are you?"

I laugh at his silliness, but I feel oddly flattered. "No, didn't have time today."

"What kind of party is it?" Ashton says, obviously wanting to switch the subject. Fortunately.

"Pool party." I reply, playing with the seatbelt.

Ashton nods slightly.

"Oh, and please refrain from talking to anyone." I add.

"Will do."


"The event for today is a simple coffee walk, so it's good timing for a party to be today." Ashton announces.

"How wonderful." I say sarcastically, heading into the coffee shop. It smells delicious.

The store itself is adorable. There are mugs of coffee painted onto the dark brown wall. The tile on the floor is clean and looks brand new. The backsplash behind the counter is gorgeous, the kind I want in my house when I grow up.

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