twenty six

187 21 11

"Why?" Is the only thing I can muster out.

She looks at me blankly. "Why not?"

"No, mom, seriously. Why? How come I never saw this coming?"

"Alright, would you like the whole story?" She asks.

"Of course I do."

"Sit down." My mom motions to her bed and I take a seat, and she sits in the chair across. "You never saw this coming because neither of us saw it coming either. We do still love each other."

"That's what every divorcee says." I mutter under my breath.

"Our recent business trip caused the divorce. There's no bad blood between the two of us. But your father was offered a promotion to work in Melbourne. Now, you know the two of us were high school sweethearts. His parents were divorced, and during junior year, he had to move to England to live with his mother. We tried out long distance but it didn't work at all and we broke it off. When he moved back, the chemistry stirred up again and we eventually got married."

I didn't know any of this. My mom had claimed she met my father at a beach during a high school trip.

"Not going to put many details, but when we tried out the long distance it was pretty awful. So we're divorcing before that happens again. Your father is taking that job, and he's hoping to keep it for quite a long time. I'm staying here. That's pretty much the reason. He leaves next week."

My heart drops. "Oh." I couldn't help but realize how similar that was to Ashton and I's situation right now.

"I know it doesn't make sense to you right now. It sounds absolutely ridiculous. But trust me, sweetie, we aren't crazy. Don't question it, just accept it. I'm so sorry, I know it's tough on you too."

"What happened the first time you tried long distance?"

"I don't know if you want to hear. I mean, you have nothing to worry about, right? You've got that kid who looks like he loves you."

"His name is Ashton."


"And I would like to know, because Ashton and I will be trying out long distance."

My mom raises an eyebrow "Oh? When?"

"Starting today. I would like to know the reason, now."

"Well, I don't want anything to get in between you two."

"Mom, seriously. You're supposed to protect me. How am I supposed to be protected if I don't know the possible consequences?"

"I'm protecting you in a different way. I don't think telling you will be a good idea. You are not to tell me what to do."

I don't say anything and get up and leave the room, frustrated, angry, upset, and confused all at the same time.

My mind was overwhelmed right now.

My parents were splitting up. All because my dad thought a job was more important than his family. It wasn't just my mom he was leaving. He was leaving his home, his lover, and his daughter. He was leaving for us to fend on our own.

Ashton is already there by the door when I come out, and I run straight into his arms.

"I love you." I sob into his chest.

He gives me a sad smile, rubbing my back. "Babe, I'm sorry."

"Do you know why they're splitting up?"

He shakes his head, looking intently at me.

"Because my dad got a job offer in Australia and my parents can't handle long distance."

"Why is everything in real life hitting me in the face?" Ashton mumbles.

I shrug helplessly.

"It won't happen to us, right baby?"

I shrug again. "I don't know. But if my dad moves to Australia there's a possibility I could come see you more often than we planned. I just, I don't know."

"You don't want to take a break, do you?"

"No of course not."

"Why can't you just come with me?"

"I already told you why. My education means a lot to me, okay? I already screwed up the beginning of this year. And your job means a lot to you. There's no way we should sacrifice the things we've been dreaming for just for each other."

"People always wish that love overcomes all, but when it happens to them, they'll realize why it's completely unrealistic." Ashton agrees.

"I agree."

"So you're definitely not coming along?"

I shake my head.

"Maybe there's nothing after midnight that could make you stay." He whispers.

I don't say anything and close my eyes, rubbing my temples. "Guess not."


"I'm sorry. We'll text every day. I'll facetime or skype you every day."

"And I will love you every day." I give him a smile.

He nods, licking his lips.

"Qantas flight 701 from Los Angeles to Sydney is departing in two minutes."

"You better get going if you want to find your seat and get comfortable."

"Yeah." Ashton places his arms around my waist and pulls me in for a kiss. "Zara?"


"I love you."

Then Ashton disappears behind the corridor.

I sit next to the window for about twenty minutes. And then I watch their plane take off. I see it flying upwards, getting farther and farther away from the ground, and farther and farther away from me.

And I can't help thinking back to my parents and their situation. Maybe trying out long distance with Ashton wasn't a good idea at all. Maybe it would end up being nothing more than a disaster and a waste of time and effort.

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bye x

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