Your beautiful and you dont even know.

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Ollys pov
"Oh, h-hi Olly" She said nervously
"What are you doing here? I thought you had plans?" I said, getting a little irritated.
"I'm just here with some f-friends."
Then all of a sudden, some guy walks over here "whose this?" He said asking Emma.
"It's just my friend." She says while standing up, wiping of the popcorn all over her.
"Whose this?" I asked while pointing to this guy who just randomly shows up
Before she could answer he speaks up
"I'm her date." He says getting all defensive "is he bothering you?"
"No he's fine"
"Wait, did he just say he was your date?" I mean, I know that me and her aren't really a thing, but still.
"Ya, I'm her date. Do you have a problem?" He said trying to over power me, but I was still stood taller than him.
"Ya, I do." I say while slightly shoving him.
Next thing I know we're shoving each other, while Emma grabs my arm, telling me to stop. I threw a punch at his face, but he some how dodged it. He rolled over and he was on top of me punching me. I tried to dodge as much as I could but many of them hit me in the face. Emma just stood there watching, tears were running down her face but she still just stood there.
I could feel the blood dripping down my face, I had no idea where it was  from. Then someone came up and pulled  him off of me, probably the movie manager. After he got off, Emma ran to me. She asked me if I was okay but I slightly pushed her to the side, got up, and left.

Emma Lee's POV
I still can't believe he just left.
After he left Loui tried to come over to me and comfort me, but all I could do is give him a dirty look, and walk away.
I went home, I tried to text Olly over 200 times, but he hasn't answered. It said he's seen most of them, but he's just not replying. He has a right to be mad at me.
At around 10 o'clock I decided I was going to drive over to his house. Once I get there, it's pouring rain. I didn't have a umbrella, so by the time I get on there porch, I'm soaked. All I could do is ring the door bell and just wait.
Finally, a good 4 minutes went by, when finally his brother answers the door.
"Hey Emma. I'm guessing your here to see Olly, eh?" He says with this devious smile.
"Ya is he here?" I hope he's here I really need to talk to him.
"Actually, ya he's in his room. Come in"

"Thanks, I know where it is." So I walked over to his room. I seems like it's only the 2 of them here. Once I reached the door handle, the door opens. And there standing there is Olly. Once he saw me, he slammed the door shut.
"OH, come on Olly!!! Just talk to me!!!"

"I don't want to talk right now!"

"Please, I really don't know why your mad at me, well maybe. But still just talk to me!!" He opened his door and walked right passed me. He had his coat in his hand, he walked out without even saying anything. I ran to the door but it was already too late he already pulled out of the drive way and was off.
I hopped into my car and I tried to follow him. We drove, about an hour and finally he stopped. In front of the woods. He got out and started to walking through the woods. So I grabbed my flashlight, I got out of the car and followed him.
We went really far into the woods before we hit a cute little cliff, over looking the city. I don't think he even noticed me right behind him.
"Olly, please can we just talk." I said on the verge of tears.
"What is there to talk about, it seems to me you don't care about me, while I'm standing here, still loving you."
"You love me?" I feel stupid. I feel like all of this is stupid. I have only known him for about  2 months now, and he's telling me, he loves me!?!?!?! I'm just so lost. Anyways how can someone love me, How can someone I just met, love me?
"God! I probably sound dumb, but Emma, your beautiful............ and you don't even know it?" He said with genuine in his eyes.
All I could do was hug him.

After our hug, that lasted about 3 minutes, he walked me back to my car. I really don't know how to feel about this. How is our relationship going to be after this?! I don't even know if I like him. But all I know is that after tonight, nothing will be the same.

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