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It was the day after all the drama and my head was still pounding. I was awaken this morning with a familiar voice. I couldn't tell who it was, sense I haven't put in my contacts yet. So I got up, put my hair up into a messy bun, and finally put my contacts in. I finally saw who woke me up, it was Zoe.
"Omg I rushed over here as fast as I could, I heard all about Loui and Olly!" She said with her eyes as wide as an owls.
"How'd you find out so quickly?" I ask still half asleep.
" I guess Tyler (a guy from school) video taped it all on his phone. He posted it every where."
She said going to his Facebook and showing me the video, headlining even nerds have drama.
"I can't believe him. I'm going to kill him!!!!"
" calm down there tiger. It's too early for getting pissed off." She said laughing and texting someone, most likely one of her man whores
"Hey do you want to go to breakfast?" She asked still texting someone.
"Sure" So I got up brushed my teeth and got dressed.

When we got to the brunch place I got our seats and Zoe was still texting someone. Finally I asked who she was texting.
"Oh just Olly, by the way he's on his way over here, your welcome." I just sat there looking at her with a annoyed face
"Did you not here about everything that went on yesterday. I'm pretty sure he's the second to last person on this earth I want to talk to right now."
"Whose the last?"
She said with a smirk on her face
The next ten minutes were just silent, while we're scrolled on our phones. Then I look up for one second and I see Olly walks in. So I stood up to greet him with a hug. Sense Zoe wouldn't move he was forced to sit with me. It was even more silent before, it was like the other people in the restaurant felt the tension between us too so everyone was quiet.
Finally the waiter came by to ask us what kind of drink we wanted and me and Olly said the exact same thing. "One small mocha iced coffee please." And we just sat there looking at each other trying not to laugh. Even the waiter was laughing. I think at that moment me and Olly started to bond again. And it felt good.

After we were done Zoe left early, like usual, so she wouldn't have to pay. So me and Olly just sat there talking about whatever came to mind. "So how is your nose?" He asked slightly touching my nose with his index finger.
"It's doing better, I've been covering it up with makeup so no one would notice it." Once I said that he looked at his finger, noticing that he wiped some of it off.
"Oh, sorry."
"It's fine" I said with a slight blush and smirk on my face.
We both stood up and I left the payment and he left the tip. Right before we were about to go our separate ways we hugged and as I was about to walk to my car, he turned me around and kissed me.
What is it with him and kissing me randomly, I mean at least warn me. But I do have to admit it's a lot cuter when he does it at random times.
Ollys POV
After I kissed her, I didn't even say goodbye, I just walked to my car and drove away.
Sometime later
I was sitting in a cafe. It's about 10 o'clock at night. I'm still just sitting here reading, hoping that I would get a text from Emma, but she hasn't texted me sense our little fight. So I decided to text first.
Olly- Hey Emma I was just wondering what your doing tonight?
Emma- laying in my bed reading.why do you want to know?
Olly- because I have tickets to watch paper towns sense you know I ruined it for you and you couldn't watch it.
Emma - I'm in see you in ten minutes?
Olly- sure 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼
So I got up, payed the bill, and started to drive to Emma's house.

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