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  "Olly can you please get the door." I asked but no one replied and whoever was at the door kept knocking.

I got up and realized that Olly wasn't in the room right now, so I had to open the door. Before I opened the door I decided to look through the peep hole. To my surprise it was joe.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I opened the door.

"Well hello to you too." He said as he walked in my room.

"You can't be here." I said as I took out my phone to text Olly.


"Because you can't. How did you even know I was staying here?" did he stalk me? How'd he know where I was? Why is he here so early? All I know is Olly can't find out I went to have coffee with this guy. I mean he's cute, but me and Olly are together. I can't have anyone destroy that for me.

"I have my ways." He said as he sat down on the couch.

"Can you just leave. Please." I was practically begging the guy.

"Yes but one thing." He said as he got really close to me.
"What?" I asked irritated.

"Will you go on a date with me?" Crap! I can't have that. I love Olly. Where is Olly anyways. Before I could answer joe, my phone went off. It was a text from Olly saying I'm at breakfast down stairs, come join us.
Us? Who was he with.
"Well what do you say?" Joe asked one more time.

"I'm sorry joe. I can't. I'm in a relationship with Olly I can't go on a date with you." I said sternly hoping he would get that through his brain.

"Well it's your loss. If you need me you know where to find me." He said as he left the room. I quickly got dressed and decided that I would join Olly at breakfast.
I walked over to the elevator and press 1.

As I walked into the restaurant I noticed what Olly meant when he said us. Stephanie was sitting a crossed from Olly. It looked like they were having a grand old time so I decided to leave them alone on there little date.

Olly's POV.

After breakfast I headed back to our room to see why it was taking Emma so long. When I opened the door to our sweet, I saw Emma throwing clothes into her suit case.
"What are you doing?" I asked as I hurried over to her to get he to stop.

"Leaving." She sniffled.

"But why?" Everything seemed so perfect last night.

"I saw you on your date with Stephanie. I decided you guys should spend this vacation together. You know, sense I'm not so important anymore." She snapped.

"Wow wow wow, a date? I wasn't on a date with her. We're just friends." I quickly tried to convince her. I didn't like Stephanie I like Emma. Ya Stephanie's pretty but Emma's has that charm you can't find anywhere.

"Ya 'just friends'." She said as she put air quotes around just friends.

"Emma, you are the only one I want. You have a charm that no one has. Your unique in a amazing way. Can't you just realize I love you!" Did I just say, I loved her. I mean I do love her. But I wasn't going to say it to her this soon.

"Y-you love me?" She asked while pointing to herself.

"Yes you. I love you Emma Lee Rose." I do really love her. She's amazing in many ways.

"I love you too." She said while walking over to me giving me a big hug.
I pulled away and leaned in to kiss her. Which I did.  Her lips were so soft. The kiss was so passionate.

"So do you want to meet a friend of mine?" I asked as I held her in my arms.

"Sure but who?" She asked looking me in the eyes.

Emma's POV.

"It's a surprise." Ugh honestly I'm kinda sick of the surprises but I loved Olly so I'll let him have his fun.

When we arrived at this huge White House I was surprised who greeted us at the door.

"Joe?" I asked. When he saw me his smile faded away.

"Emma?" He said with a confused look.

"Wait you two know each other?!?!" Olly asked. I didn't want Olly to know I knew him.

"Ya I went an had coffee with her yesterday."

"Oh so this is your 'friend' you were telling me about." Olly looked pretty pissed and I felt horrible.

"It was only coffee. It's not like we had sex."

"Ya but it was more like a date!!" Olly yelled.

"Olly just calm down." Joe said but Olly just got even more pissed.

"Shut up joe!! Your just as guilty as she is. You knew who she was. I sent you a picture of her. But no you still went on a date with her!!!"  His face turned a bright red and his fist clenched up.

"Olly please I'm sorry." I pleaded but it didn't work. Olly got in his rental car and drove away. Leaving me there to walk back.

"Emma I'm sorry." Joe tried to be all sweet but nothing was going to work.

"No leave me alone. You knew who I was before I even told you. But you acted like a complete stranger. You even asked me out!!!!" I was so pissed but so sad. I decided to call a cab.

When the cab showed up I opened the door and told the driver to take me to a coffee shop. I decided to go there so I could clear my mind. Yes coffee helps me clear my mind. Don't judge. While I was walking back to my seat, with hot coffee in hand, I run into someone and spill my coffee all over me.

"I am so sorry." A familiar voice said.
"It's fine I'll ju-" but before I could say anything I was shocked to see who that voice belonged to.
"Loui?" I was shocked to even see him in London.

"Emma? What are you doing here?" He asked as he helped me up.

"I'm on a vacation." I said. I didn't want to say I was glad to see him. But in all honesty I was kinda glad to see him. "What are you doing here?" I asked because the last time I did see him, he was living in New York.

"I'm visiting my dad and his new wife."  He said with a soft smile. "Are you ok? You look like you've been crying."

"I'm fine just me and Olly got into a fight."

"Your still with him. It's been like, what, 4 months."

"Ya but I don't think we are together anymore." As I said that I felt a tear roll down my face.

"Hey don't cry. I'm still single." He said with that cute smirk I fell for the first time.

"Well I'm not looking for another relationship but I am looking for a place to stay."

"You can come stay with me at my apartment." He said as we sat down at a booth with each other.

After we were done, I asked him if he could drive me to the hotel where all my stuff was.
He gladly said yes.

When we showed up at the hotel I asked Loui if he would sty in the car and wait for me. He gladly did. As I was riding the elevator I was thinking how this might be the end of me and Olly.  When I opened the door to the room I was shocked with the sight I saw.
Ok I just wanted to get a shout out to @dopekid2781  you should really go check out her books I really recommend she's the tear in my heart. It's really good. And when I say good. I mean great!!!

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