Meeting "the boys"

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On my way to Chris and Val's house (the boys dad and step mom) I was nervous what they would think of me. When we got to the house my heart was pumping hard. When we walked in I noticed only Chris and Val there kids so I kinda got a hint of relief. I took off my shoes at the door and started walking in when Chris said " maybe u should go down in the basement, the boys are watching a movie."
I was so nervous "s-sure" i stuttered while heading toward the basement door
When I got down there, they were both laying on the couch, they barely noticed me. I felt embarrassed so I was going to head back up the stare when I noticed some one say something behind me. So I turned around "what?"
I heard it more clearly this time "come sit with down."
I finally noticed it was the tall curly haired one. He sat up and slightly patted the seat next to him.
I was told that my parents babysitter was supposed to come over tonight but, I didn't know she would look like that. I was hoping she wasn't going to notice me oddly staring but then she was starting to walk back up the stairs so I decided to say something. "Come sit down."
I noticed the slight blush on her face "ok" she responded
She came over. She never told me her name and I'm pretty sure she didn't know mine so I decided to introduce myself. "Hi, my name is Olly."
She blushed "I'm Emma Lee, but everyone calls me just Emma."
"And I'm Alex, Olly's brother" Pat said, rudely interrupting.
I honestly didn't know what to say so we all sat in silence watching the movie. All the suddenly Olly stood up "hey does anybody want a drink? I'm kinda thirsty."
Alex sat up "I do!"
I didn't say anything, I was too wrapped up in the movie they had on. "Emma do you want a drink?"
"Um I guess so?" I said, not really wanting a drink
"What would u like?" He said with the cutest smile
"Surprise me!" I said while blushing so hard I felt my face burning. I liked Olly's smile, he had that cute tumblr boy smile. When he made any emotion on his face you can easily see the dimples just pop in.
Olly showed back up with a tray full of our drinks, I picked up a cup and took a sip.
I noticed this odd and scrunched up facial expression she made after taking a sip. "What's that face for?" I wondered
"Nothing just what is this kind of drink?" She said taking another sip
"It's cherry kool-aid with a pinch of vodka." I said with a smirk
She looked disturbed. She quickly put her drink down and got up and went upstairs, I felt like I did something wrong I just didn't know what.
I didn't like how he gave me alcohol. I never really had it before but then again I am only 15 and I'm a goody goody I have always followed the rules. I got to nervous so I went up stairs with his parents and the kids. Right after I just sat down to talk with holly, Olly came through the basement doors, he acted like nothing happened.
The whole entire time Olly was giving me a worried facial expression. I kinda felt bad that I left them but he kinda deserved it.
I was trying to hint to holly that I wanted to leave but she got so drunk she didn't notice so I put my coat on and started walking, I had no idea where I was going but I just started walking.
Soon after I left Olly followed. I started walking faster hoping he wouldn't catch up but he managed some how.
"Why did you leave?" He asked while stopping me with his hand in front of me.
"I just got uncomfortable"
"With what?" He asked
"With everybody drinking, I don't drink. I never have. And I'll most likely never will." I started to walk the other way. But yet still had no idea where I was going. Olly kept on following me, so I put headphones in to ignore him. I didn't really care what he had to say I just wanted to go home.
I thought I heard Olly say something but I didn't care, I acted like it was my music. I felt a tug on one of my headphones and one fell out. I finally turned to Olly and said "what, what do you want?"
He looked shocked I snapped at him. "Well I was just asking if you were cold, it's starting to snow and you don't have a jacket on." He said already putting his navy blue American Eagle jacket over my arms.
"Why ask when you are going to do it anyways?" I say with a smirk
"I don't know, maybe because I had a feeling you still would refuse."
"Well your feeling was right." I said glancing over at him. I noticed his smile again, I kinda like his smile, it's unique.
As we were walking, he stopped all the sudden. So I stopped and look at him. "Is everything okay?" I asked, he looked puzzled
"Ya I was just thinking."
"About what" I asked, he slowly turned and grabbed my shoulders so my whole body was facing him.
Before I knew it he leaned in an he kissed me. It was only like a peck, but still I just met this guy and he kissed me?
I started running back to the house. We didn't talk for the rest of the night.

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