Best days ever

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Once we got into the park I headed strait for the the ladies room to try on this amazing swimsuit Olly bought me. When I walked out of the ladies room, Olly was already waiting for me, all dressed and eager to get to the first ride.
"You look like a 5 year old about to ride his first carnival ride." I said laughing my head off.
"You look stunning Emma! I'm so glad you fit it!!!" I looked at him like he just insulted me.
"What is that supposed to mean??" I say as I cross my arms.
"It means, that I thought it would be too big on you but it looks like just right!" He said just making it sound worse. "So your saying I'm fatter than you thought I was?" I said crossing my arms.
"No, just let me try to complement you!" He said getting fake-angry. We both laughed and went on with our day.
The first ride we walked up to just had to be the biggest ride there. I honestly did not want to ride it. But Olly dragged me on anyways. Of course out of all the rides we could have gone on, Olly dragged me on the tallest one. "Olly can we just go on another ride."
"Why are you scared?" He said with a devious grin on his face.
"A little." I said as I looked down, from the height we were at. "Ok maybe just more than a little." I said gripping on to his arm
"It's fine, you won't get hurt. I promise." He said looking me right in the eyes.
"Ok, but if I do get hurt, I'm going to kill you." I said playfully. As we made our way up the line, I noticed the guy who works at the top of this ride, he looked really familiar. Too familiar. Then it finally hit me as we got closer.
It was Loui.
"Olly we have to get off, now."
"But why, were almost to the front."
"We just have to get off now." I said as I started walking back down the stairs. Olly soon followed. After we reached the bottom, Olly looked at me with a confused look on his face.
"What the hell was that all about?" He asked as I started heading for another ride.
"Did you see who was working at the top of that ride?"
"No" he said looking at me with confusion.
"It was Loui, you know the guy who kicked your butt." I said looking into his chocolate brown eyes.
"Well, then we just won't go on that ride then." He said as he put his hand on my lower back. He surprisingly handled that well. We started to walk to another ride. We kinda forgot who worked there, and just tried to enjoy our day.
We headed for this one ride, where you were put into a giant raft with a group of people, and you went down so many twist and turns. It was so much fun. Then we headed for some dry rides. The first one we went on, was called the scrambler. Me and Olly climbed into a cart, And buckled up. The ride started and me and Olly were squished together because of how fast the ride was going in circles. After we got off that ride, I headed strait for the Ferris wheel. "Come on Olly! I love this ride!" I shouted trying to talk over the music.
"I thought you were afraid of heights?" He yelled
"I am but this is the only ride I'm not afraid of!!" I said dragging him into the line.
When we made it into our seats, and the ride started. We just sat there looking at the view. Once we hit the top, the ride stopped. I looked at him with a questionable look on my face. He just shrugged his shoulders. For a minute we just sat there looking into each others eyes. When I started to speak up, a song started playing from the ride next to us. It was thinking out loud by Ed sheeran. Me and Olly just looked at each other smiling, and singing along with the tune. Finally the ride started moving again and me and Olly got off.

For about 1 hour me and Olly rode almost every ride there. Olly decided that we should go get going because he had one more surprise for me. So we got dressed and headed out.

We drove to this cute diner only a couple of blocks from the water park. It was called the riverside diner. When we walked in to get a seat, I noticed the cute fairy lights on the ceiling. The walls had a cute rustic look to it, it was a brick wall with cute little quotes hung at every booth. Almost everywhere you turned there was a window with a amazing view of the river. As we were guided to our seats, Olly slowly grabbed my  hand and locked with his. Our seats were right next to a great big window, over looking the water.
"This place is absolutely stunning, did you reserve this spot?" I said to Olly as I grabbed his hands. I still don't know if I like him. I must sound like a real jerk, especially what he has done for me, but still I think I might be falling for his cliché acts.
"Well I did say I had the whole day planned, didn't I?" He said, asking a question he already knew the answer too.
We sat there for about two hours, talking about what we wanted to do after high school and what college we wanted to go to, but we were interrupted by one of the waitresses "I'm sorry to interrupt you but we close in five minutes." She said as she walked away. I finally looked at my phone and saw that it was 10:30pm so me and Olly decided to get a motel room because if we drove home now, we wouldn't get home until 1am. Plus it just gave me a chance to get to know Olly more.
When we drove up to the motel, I was kinda shocked to see how nice the place was. It was a huge three story, gray building. That had a old fashioned railing on the two upper floors. When I looked over at Olly, he had the biggest smile on his face.
"Isn't this place just beautiful?" He asked while getting out and heading to my side of the car. He opened the door for me, and we headed in. While Olly was checking us in, I was looking at the giant fish tank they had in the lobby. There was so many different kind of fish. That we're all different colored, and they were all beautiful.
After Olly was done we headed to our room. We started walking up the stairs until we hit the third floor. Then we walked over to room #98. Olly unlocked the door and opened it, once he did I walked in and turned on the lights. I noticed the huge king sized bed. I also noticed the the huge flat screen tv and a small couch in front of it.
"If you want, I'll take to couch and you can take the bed." He said setting his things on the coffee table.
"No it's fine. Plus that bed is super big, and I'm super small." I said laughing
"Hey Olly, um, I have a question?"
"Ya." He asked looking worried.
"What about pajamas? Because I didn't expect to be gone for the night." I said looking around, trying not to look him in the eyes.
"I still have som pajamas in my car, if you want them I can go grab them. But if it's ok with you, I'm going to sleep in my boxers tonight." He said turning on the tv.
"Ya that will be fine." Once I said that, he got up to go to his car for the pajamas.
After about ten minutes, Olly walks back in with only a pair of joggers.
"I'm sorry, but this is all I got." He said handing me the joggers. So I just decided to wear joggers and my bra to bed. At least I'm not naked. "Thank you by the way." I said looking at Olly as I can asked towards him in the bed.  "No problem."
After that we sat up for about an hour watching a movie, it was completely silent. Neither me or Olly spoke the whole entire time. I fell asleep sometime before the movie ended.
The next morning I woke up, and me and Olly were spooning. I just rolled over, so that I was facing him. He was still asleep, so I just sat there studying his features. I liked how small his lips were, and his curly hair. Then he slightly opened his eyes.
"Good morning beautiful." He said, giving me the cutest smile.
"Good morning." I slowly got up to go brush my teeth. Once I got into the bathroom, I cuffed my hands, so I could smell my breath. Then I realized how awful it really smelled, sense I forgot to brush it last night.
"OLLY!" I yelled. I heard him jump racing over to the bathroom.
"What, are you ok, what happened?" He asked panting from his quick reaction.
"Why didn't you tell me my breath stinks?!?!!?" I said playfully hitting his chest.
The next thing I know he's laying on the ground laughing. "Th-that...was...your breath" he said laughing, trying to catch his breathe. "I thought it was mine!" He said starting to laugh again. I just stood there staring at him, with a blank facial expression.
"You sir, are rude!" I said going on brushing my teeth. "Don't be mad, I'm just playing with you." He said, standing up from his laughing fest. "So where do you want to go for breakfast." He said putting on his clothes from yesterday.
"I don't care, all I know, is that we need to go shopping for more clothing." I said hoping he would agree.
"Ok so first we'll go out for breakfast and then we will go shopping."
We sat there for about 2 minutes just looking into each other's eyes. "What are you looking at?" I asked in a flirtatious tone.
"You." He said smiling
"Because your beautiful."
"Ok Augustus waters." I said laughing. Because it was literally a line from the movie.
"I'm sorry I just wanted to be your dream boy." He said shyly smiling at the ground. I reached out and put my finger under his chin, so he was looking at me. "Why do you try?" I asked looking into his chocolate brown eyes.
"Try what?"
"Try to be better than what you are."
"Because I want to be better for you." As he said that, I felt his hand grab my lower back. I just got closer to him, and hugged him. "There is no need for you to try, I like you the way you are."
After our marathon hug, I got up put on my shirt from yesterday and we headed out.
As we looked for a place to eat breakfast, me and only sang together to whatever song that came on the radio. It turns out we like the same kind of music.
When we finally found a place to eat, we got our seats, and we ordered. Olly looked at me. "Do you need something." I asked.
"I just wanted to know, when I could meet your parents." After he said that, we just sat there in silence.
Then finally I spoke up. "Well right now they're away on a trip." I said trying to go off subject.
"Well I asked, when can I meet them?" He said with a smirk.
"Well we will figure that out when they get back." I said, as I took a bite of my pancakes.

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