chapter four

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Carrie's pov

I'm woken up by my alarm clock again, yep it's saturday morning it's 6:30am.

I have to open the shop at 8am as someone is coming to collect the flower's for the wedding.

While I'm taking my shower, I will tell you what happen after dinner last night.

Right I'm in the shower, well where to begin at the start. We left the resturant and he took me to this club called night spot.

Let me tell you he can dance, he was dancing to club music, pop music and the slow song's well let's just say he is as hard as he look's.

He held me in his strong toned arm's as he danced my slowly around the room.

 I have never felt so happy or safe, I step out of the shower and dry myself and slip on my dressing gown.

 I then go back to my room and dress in my blue jean's and white t-shirt.

I walk to the kitchen and grab a coffee and a piece of toast, I then put my shoe's on and exit the flat without seeing anyone.

 Which I'm glad about, I'm so happy today I don't think anyone could spoil my mood  after the evening spent with Lord Falcon Bright.

I hope I get to see him again. I open the shop in a dazed of joy and happiness.

As I think about last night my body seem's to warm to his touch, I felt little tingle's of heat run up and down my body as he held me and touched me.

I'm woken from my thought's by the ding of the bell on the door, I look up to see a man dressed in a suit.

 " Good morning sir, how may I help you ". He smile's. " Good morning, I have come to collect the Reed flower for the wedding ". I nod and go out the back to get them.

I come back and give him three boxes. " There you go sir, the bottom box is table centre piece's, the middle box is the button hole's and the top box is the bride's and bride's maid's ".

 He thank's me and leave's, if you wondering about payment, the family paid when they ordered.

Falcon's pov

I open my eye's slowly and then last night flood's my mind, how soft and smooth her skin felt againest my body.

 I took her home at midnight but, I didn't want to I wanted to unravel my wing's and fly her away and keep her with me forever.

I know in my heart that she is my mate, I felt the tingle and I'm sure felt it too as she rested her head againest my chest.

 I place my hand on my chest where I had felt her head only hour's before.

 I have to see her again, I will keep seeing her until she agree's to be mine and no one else's.

I get up and put on a pair of black pant's, I walk to the window and look out.

The sun is just starting to rise and the sky is clear  no one is out yet, so I exit my house and head to the edge of the cliff.

 I jump off and shift in to my dragon form and fly about, I can feel the sun heat my dragon scale's.

I fly about for a few hour's before I land on the cliff, I'm still in my dragon form as I walk along the cliff edge wondering what Carrie is doing now.

She is all I can think about, when suddenly I hear. " Falcon you are needed in chamber's now ".

I look around to see Phoenix, I shift back into human form. " Phoenix what's wrong ". He look's to the chamber's.

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