chapter nineteen

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Carrie's pov

I open my eye's slowly as I feel so comfortable, I don't want to move. As I open my eye's fully, I see that I'm wrapped in Falcon's wing's.

As I see the light come through the window, I notice that his wing's are almost transparent but you can see red blood vein's running through them.

I run a finger down one of his vein's, he stir's awake. " Hello sweet ". I smile, I can't help it he just caught me touching his dragon wing.

" Hi Fal ". He smile's and kisses me on the head. " What are you up to ". I bury my head in his chest.

I'm so embrassed, that I got caught. " Fal is this a vein or something ". I ask as I run my finger down the vein.

" No sweet, it's called a blood vessel, why ". I alway's thought of it as a vein, but it's a blood vessel.

" I just wondered ". Mmm his wing's are so soft and strong, and they are still wrapped around me.

Falcon's pov

I open my eye's as I feel, someone no not someone Carrie running a finger down my wing.

 I smile as I watch her, trace my blood vessel, I feel a tingle run the full length of my wing and my body as she trace's the pattern.

When I ask her what she is doing, she hide's her face in my chest. I think she is embrassed that I caught her.

 I like the fact that she isn't scared of my dragon, she might change her mind when she, find's out she has to be one.

" Fal you seem so far away, are you okay ". I smile, as I brush her long blond hair out of her eye's.

 If I was to change her she would be a beautiful dragon, with changed dragon's the hair colour will tell us the dragon's colour.

If she were a dragon she would be unusual, because she would be white, because he hair is blonde.

 " Sorry sweet, was thinking ". She presses a hand to my cheek and I move it to my mouth and kiss it.

" What are you thinking ". How can I tell her, that she has to be a dragon, to stay with me.

She suddenly pull's away from me and head's to the bathroom.

Carrie's pov

I feel sick, I run to loo and I'm sick and I feel giddy. God what is wrong with me.

 I then hear a knock on the door. " Carrie are you alright ". I'm about to answer when, I'm sick again.

I'm sick a few more time then it stop's and, I get up off the bathroom floor.

 I hold the bath for support, I then open the door to see Falcon waiting for me.

" Sweet are you alright ". I nod my head. " I feel fine now, though I could do with some toast ". He smile's and leave's me.

I climb back in to bed and lie down to clear, my head it's then that I hear a knock on the door.

I get up and look out the window. I see my sister. " May what are you doing here ". She smile's and shout's. " Get dressed quick ". I shake my head .

" What's going on, tell me ". She smile's and start's dancing around. " I'm getting married today ". What did she say.

 Why didn't she tell me before. " Why didn't you tell me before ". she laugh's. " We have only just decided ".

" God May, more notice would've be nice ". She walk's away laughing.

 I get dressed and go downstair's, as I reach the kitchen. I hear the front door open and close. " Fal is that you ". I hear him shout back. " Yes sweet ".

He then walk's in with a bag full of shopping and some other thing's. " are you okay sweet ". I nod.

 " May has just been here ". He smile's. " I know there getting married today ".

Oh great he know's, I have just found out and I have nothing to wear. " When did you find out ". He laugh's.

 " Just now, when I was shopping ". Well at least it was today.

He then show's me the dress he has brought for me, I make us some breakfast and then, we go back to bed.

May's pov

We have decided to get married today as me and phoenix, have agreed that it is time to take my place by his side as a dragon seeing as I'm having his baby.

Yes you heard me right, I'm having a baby, it is forbidden for Falcon to have a baby with a human but not the other dragon Lord's.

I just hope Carrie know's she can't have a baby with Falcon yet. I hope she agree's to stay with us.

 any way I am about to put on my long white dress. Sara, Tallon mate is helping me.

I put it on with her help then we hear. " Your beautiful ". We both turn to see Phoenix.

 " You know your not suppose to see me until we are at the alter ". He laugh's and kisses me.

" I've come to change, the wedding begin's in ten minute's ". I nod and slip, my shoe's on.

I then thank Sara for the help and leave's so Phoenix can change.

Falcon's pov

I'm worried about Carrie, she look's kind of pale, we are changed in to our best clothes and are seated in the great hall waiting to to see May and Phoenix married.

As they enter the great hall Carrie says to me. " I think May is pregnant ". I smile and nod it look's that way.

" Carrie can I have look at you neck ". She look's at me and then turn's her head, damn there is going to be problem's I can see it.

 " Carrie how do you feel ". She smile's. " I feel great why ".

Shit I'm in trouble, big huge trouble. " Fal what's wrong ". Now the hard part.

 " Carrie you know I have marked you ". She nod's and then I see May and Phoenix.

We sit and watch them exchange there vow's, I'm not really listen, when I marked Carrie with my dragon's breath, I was also enabling her to become pregnant.

I feel my arm being nudged, I look up to see Phoenix. " Congrate's Phoenix ". He smile's and I shake his hand. " Thank's bro ".

Then Carrie come's to me. " May is pregnant ". I give her a weak smile. " And she is becoming a dragon ". I nod and walk to the exit .

" Falcon what's wrong ". I stop and turn and look at her." Falcon I want to be a dragon too ".

" Carrie your pregnant ".

hope you enjoy, luv you all XD

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