chapter eighteen

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Falcon's pov

After a few hour's she is done, without my help we then go outside, and as the sun's hit my face.

 I feel my dragon come to life, before I know what the hell is happening. I'm a dragon, unlike myth's we can talk in our true form's .

" Sorry sweet ". I bow my head, she smile's. " Don't be my heart ". I look at her and she place's her hand on my face.

" Fal does this happen alot ". She mean's my shifting and the simple answer is no.

 I will have to try and find out why it is happening now, I can't go back to the human realm with my dragon playing up.

 " No sweet it doesn't, I wont be able to return to the human realm, until I find out why ".

I will have to go and see Shadowstorm, she is our Doctor she know's are form inside out, this is a pain.

 " Sweet I will be back in a minute, I will go and fly ". She nod's and walk's with me to edge of the cliff, I jump off and fly.

How could this have happened, I normally have control, I will have to stay here until I find out what the hell is happening, with me.

As I'm flying around, I see Tallon walk over to Carrie. I start to land, he wave's to me and I land, and some how mange to shift back he come's to me.

 " Hi Fal, I see you have brought Carrie here ". I nod. " What's wrong Fal ".

" I have lost control, of my dragon ". He smile's. " Ah is that all ". I nod, isn't that bad enough.

 " Fal your in love ". I nod, I thought that was plain for all to see. " So is your dragon and it want's to show Carrie it's true form ".

" How do you know, this Tal ". He laugh's. " I went through the same thing, with my mate sara ". I look at Carrie and see her lying back in the grass.

 " It only last's a few day's, it will pass ". I feel I have made a mistake .

Tal says hello to Carrie, then he says he will see her later at the bar-b-que she nod's and says goodbye.

" Hello sweet ". I keep my head down, I feel ashamed of what I have done. " Fal look at me please ".

I lift my head to see, her standing in front of me she reaches out to touch me but I back away.

 " Don't do this Fal, please ". I look in to her eye's and see nothing but love for me.

Carrie's pov

I know Falcon feel's bad, for turning in to a dragon in front of me but, he shouldn't because it's who he is and it's who I fell in love with a shape shifter.

" Fal, come on let's go back home ". He open's his mouth to say something but, I beat him to it.

 " Our home is over there ". I point to the house we have just left, he nod's but still won't let me touch him that hurt's alot.

We get back to the house and I look for something to drink as, as l feel thirsty.

 I look in the fridge but find nothing, I look through the cupboard's there bare too.

Mmm I wonder what time the shop's open here, I will have to ask Falcon.

I walk in to the lounge and find him with his head in his hand's. I shake my head and walk over to him.

I rest my hand's on his shoulder's and then I push him back and climb on to his lap so I'm straddling his lap.

He try's to move me so, I use all my strength which isn't much compared to his to hold him down.

 Right, now he will have to look at me I have pinned his hand's to the back off the sofa.

 " Now look at me Fal ". He turn's his head and look's at me.

" Carrie this is enough, come on let me go ". I shake my head. " Not a chance I know you could make me if you wanted to ". He nod's.

 " But you wont because you dont' want to hurt me ". He nod's again. " Just let go Carrie please ".

" Not until you tell me, why you wont look at me ". He sigh's and I let his wrist's go.

 I place my hand's on his chest. " I feel bad for changing like that ". Well that's stupid, it's who he is.

 " Fal it's who you are, the dragon I fell in love with ".

" Carrie, I can't control it at the moment ". I look at him. " I think you should go and stay with May for a few day's ".

Doesn't he want me, this hurt's alot I go to get up but he stop's me by pushing me down on the sofa.

He then pick me up and carry's me upstair's, once we make it to his bedroom he pin's me to the bed with his body and his hand's pin my wrist's to either side of my head he then kisses my neck.

Falcon's pov

I have just pinned Carrie to the bed, I kiss her neck the dragon in me want's to mark her.

 I feel the urge to bite her, I move off of her before I do something I shouldn't.

 I lie on my back and stare at the ceiling, I then close my eye's.

I just hope this feeling passes, I then feel a warm hand on my bare skin around my abs area.

 " Carrie don't ". She move's her hand higher up my body. " Stop being silly Fal ". I open my mouth to say something but I feel he tongue slip in to my mouth, and her lip's on mine.

I kisses back for a while then, I feel my dragon rear and growl as her hand's move over my chest.

I arch as I feel my wing's start to come out she move's to sit up that when I realise, she is sat on me.

 My wing's wrap around her, she look's at me and smile's.

I watch as she run's one hand over one of my wing's. " They feel so soft and silky ". I smile weakly.

 " Carrie, I'm sorry I can't control myself, my dragon want's to show you, my true form ". She smile's and kisses me. " I want to see it to ".

My wing's wrap around here tighter, she sit's up again and this time she remove's her shirt and then she get off me and remove's her skirt.

She then come's back to me and remove's my ripped shirt and lie her head on my chest. Again my wing's enlope her and I wrap my arm's around her.

She sigh's in contentment. " Fal your wing's feel so soft againest my skin ". I see at least she is happy.

 I feel my manhood twitch as she lie's on top of me, she lift's her head and smile's, I kiss her and she kisses back.

As the kiss deepen's, I roll her so she is under me, I remove my pant's and boxer's.

 I then remove her knicker's and slide my manhood inside her, she moan's and arches under me.

As I make love to her, my wing's tighten around her, to keep her safe.

As we make love I feel, my teeth bite in to warm soft flesh, I hear Carrie moan loudly.

 I open my eye's and see, I am marking her. " Carrie I have to stop ". She arche's closer to me.

" No, oh on ". I feel the need to drive harder in to her.

As I do, I feel her hold herself closer as we climax. I see the mark on her neck.

 She is now marked with my dragon's breath, I roll off of her and she snuggle's close to me and close's her eye's. " I love you Falcon, my dragon ". She touches her neck.

I kiss her, and the mark. " I love you Carrie, my sweet angel ". She kisses my cheek and then one of my wing's wrap's around her.

 As I watch her drift of to sleep, I feel lucky I have her.

Hope you enjoy, luv you all.

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