chapter twelve

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  • Dedicated to witchywatergirl1397

Falcon's pov

I'm woken up by my alarm, as I set it last night so I could go back to my realm today as I need to stretch my wing's.

As I look at Carrie last night's flood back in to my mind the way she felt when I made love to her and she said. " I love you ". Or did I dream that part, no I'm sure she said I love you.

She is warm and silky I find myself touching her arm, just stroking it gentle.

She moan's and turn's in my arm's, her head and arm is now resting on my chest.

 I look at the clock it's 5:30 am, I try and move as I want to get back here before 8 am which is when she get's up.

I manage to get up and move, I'm getting dressed when I hear. " Falcon what are you doing ". I go to her and stroke her hair.

 " It's okay sweet go back to sleep, I'll be back soon ". She yawn's and lie's down and close's her eye's.

I'm putting my shirt on when all of a sudden Carrie is sat up looking at me.

 " Where are you going ". I really didn't want this to happen yet. " Sweet I'm going home to my realm, I need to shift don't worry i'll be back soon ".

" Why now Falcon and why so early ". I smile at her, I need to go soon. I can feel the burn and the pain that come's when we delay our shift's.

 I know I went through it when she left me but I shifted so she could see me and now I need to shift again.

" I need to shift sweet at least once a week, why so early because I want to be back before you woke up. So go back to sleep and I will be back here before you know it ". She look's at me. " Take me with you ".

" Sweet I can't ". I can but I don't think she is ready for what will face her.

 I know once I get back most of my people will be in dragon form, as today is dragon day it's a day where we celabrate the birth of the first golden dragon which of course was my Great Grandfather.

We have no time limit on our life we can live forever my Great Grandfather died one hundred year's ago when he lost my Great Grandmother they died two day's apart.

If you are wondering about my parent's well my Mother died when I was just two day's old, my Father died before I was born.

I was brought up by the council of elder's, the oldest dragon is Shade he is seven hundred year's old, so you see we can live forever but if we lose our true mate's we die as we can't live with out them.

So that is why they say I'm the last of the golden dragon's and I need an heir.

Oh hellfire did I use protection, I wonder if she is in season. " Carrie are you in season ". She look's at me and laugh's.

 What did I say, oh wait they don't call it that do they. " No Falcon I'm not in cycle why ". I shake my head. " It doesn't matter ".

" Yes it does tell me ". I move so I'm sat on the bed beside her. " I'm not allowed to get you pregnant, as human's aren't allowed to carry our baby's ".

 She seem's shocked by what I have said and the pain is getting worse. " Falcon are you okay ". I shake my head. " I need to go Carrie as I need to shift sorry sweet i'll be back soon ".

With that I have to leave.

Carrie's pov

I'm on cloud nine, I was made love to by my dragon Lord last night he was so gentle and kind seeing it was my first time.

 I'm glad I waited until I found the right man, I don't think he was awake when I said I love you.

I lie my head back down on the pillow I breathe in his heavenly smell it's hard to discribe.

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