02: The Non-Frightening Party

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🎃 Fate Perkins - Oct. 31, 2015

"You two are lame." I scoff when I step into the living room to see Batman and Batgirl sitting on the couch while munching on popcorn. My statement catches both of their attentions and boy was this a Kodak moment because Liam's eyes widened and his lips parted while Blake just woo'd and catcalled me. This was the first time I'd been looked at like a piece of meat.

After hitting Liam to take him out of his trance, Blake stands up and rushes to give me a hug. "You look like a slut and I've never been more proud."

"I can't believe I actually have to wear this," I mutter into her shoulder with a pout. To be honest, the costume was pretty cute with the poofy black, gray and white skirt, with red accents for the lipstick, necklace and shoes - if I were one of those girls then I'd jump at the chance to wear this. However, being myself, I felt the need to put leggings over the fishnet stockings and putting on a sweatshirt to cover the low neckline.

"You looks great, Fate," Liam speaks up, creeping up behind Blake once we pull out from the hug. He wraps his arms around Batgirl but she nudges him off of her. He pouts. "Not as good as you though, babe."

"Tell that to your drool." Blake scoffs before taking my hand and walking out of our apartment, leaving Liam to lock it up. I shake my head with a laugh, Liam is so wrapped around Blake's finger and she just enjoys picking on him.

So we make our way to the Payne residence where the decorations hung proudly from when we did them last night. Party drinks, which mostly consisted of alcohol, and party snacks littered the kitchen and the entrance to a "haunted house" started through the hall. Not too shabby. I was actually very excited for what this night would hold.

And when the party was in full swing, I was a bit in shock at how many people Liam actually knew. He was quite the host with greeting people and sharing a laugh as Blake stuck by me next to the bowl of pretzels. (My favorite snack on this earth.)

"By the end of tonight, I expect you sucking some necks," Blake says to me while reaching over to grab some sour gummy worms. I choke on my pretzel and turn to her with wide eyes. She gives me a shrug. "What? You're a vampire, and you gotta get some blood."

"Haha, very funny."Once I finished the pretzel, I make my way to the living room in the search for Louis, Rose and Theo - basically the only people I knew at this party. However, my search comes to an abrupt stop when someone shouts a loud 'Boo' in my ear making me scream.

I turn around to find the culprit dressed as Cupid. His hair was messily tousled, chest bare to reveal his tattoos and a man skirt covering his "valuables" - the white cloth adorning red lining and two red hearts. I narrowed my eyes. "What the hell, Louis?"

He shrugs and pokes me with his arrow. "Just trying to win the contest."

And before I could question him about this "contest" he walks away. My eyes spot my coworkers, Rose and Theo talking next to the punch bowl and I don't hesitate to go over to them.

"Hey, sweet cheeks. You're looking very fine this evening," Is Theo's signature greeting to me with his signature wink. "How many people have got you so far?"

"Got me?" I question glancing over to Rose who is dressed up as Marilyn Monroe.

The pirate, Theo, pets his fake mustache. "It was on the last minute invitation text. Whoever scares you the most wins a prize. But knowing Liam the prize will be, like, jelly beans or something."

Rather than agreeing to his statement, I huff and turn around in search of Liam Payne aka Batman aka a dead man walking. So after he had told me that I didn't get invited because I "scared too easily" he goes ahead and makes a contest of who could scare me the most? I was so upset that I didn't even mutter a sorry to the awfully dressed ghost that I accidentally bumped into. My mission as Vampire Girl (really should work on that name) was to hunt and kick Batman's butt.

The minute I spotted a black cape, I reached forward to grasp the cloth and tug it backwards.

Liam curses before turning around to see me. A sheepish grin making it's way onto his face before he yells, "I am Batman!" and then runs away, disappearing into the crowd.

Way to ruin my night, Mr. British.

🌙 🌙 🌙

(A/N): Wow, I just love Liam so much! So looky here, some characters from the other short stories have made an appearance! And ooo, Fate bumped into an awfully dressed ghost - any idea who that might be? Gotta love Haz.


p.s. picture of Fate's costume x

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