00: The Non-Frightening Invite

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🎃 Fate Perkins - Oct. 24th, 2015

My eyes dart left to right as I watch the couple stumble from the kitchen to the living room to out the door and back again. With feet propped on the coffee table, I put no effort to help with whatever they were doing because I was completely exhausted from working at the restaurant since Rose, one of the other chefs, had gotten sick meaning Sam had trusted me with making twice the meals.

I'm pretty sure I still smelled like pretentious food.

However, my nonchalance is cut short when something breaks in the kitchen. "I swear, if you broke my favorite bowl I will decapitate the both of you!"

I stand up from the sofa and march into the kitchen to see Liam and Blake frantically pick up broken shards of what used to be the punch bowl. (Thank goodness, I didn't want Carly to be broken. No offence, Pete.) The minute they sense my presence, both look up guiltily.

"It was Liam's fault, Fate, I swear! You know I'd never break Pete," Blake is quick to throw her boyfriend of almost a year under the bus. Liam gaps at her.

"Wow, love you too, babe." I hear Liam mutter. Blake blows him a kiss to which he can't help but smile at before getting up to retrieve a trash bag to dispose the glass shards safely.

I roll my eyes. "What are two even doing?"

"We're getting the things we need for the party," Liam says as he brings the trash bag over to where Blake still sat on the ground. He carefully takes the large shards from her hands and places them into the bag.

"What party?" I lean against the counter and continue to watch the couple.

Blake stands up and retrieves the broom and the dust pan. "Liam has decided to throw a Halloween party at his place."

"And why am I just now hearing of this said party?"

"Uh." Liam flushes before standing up from his crouched position. He looks to Blake as if she could give me the answer I was asking him about. She doesn't meet his eyes so he turns back to me and shrugs. "Because you get scared too easily."

"Doesn't mean I don't like to party," I grumble after giving Mr. British a glare. (A nickname I've given him ever since him and Blake had stirred things up.) I then thought about the various times I've been unintentionally scared by my roommate and her boyfriend. It's surprising really, how often I get scared. But you couldn't really blame me because I grew up with multiple siblings and I was the youngest of them all - it was natural for them to pick on me. I give heave a sigh and look at the floor. "I'm pretty sure I'll be fine."

"Yeah, okay." Liam snorts.

Blake slaps his arm before throwing away the broken glass that he had swept up. "You can come, Fate." And just as I was about to cheer, she interrupts me. "But I get to choose your costume."

And honestly, I should've just rejected this deal right then and there but of course my mind set was too focused on the idea of going to a party that I don't have to host. Not to mention that Halloween was my favorite day of the year (despite my birthday) because of the amazing costumes and candy, I was not willing to be left alone on this night so this party will be just what I need. So rather than denying this deal, like I would any other day, I gladly nod before making my way back to the living room.

It won't be that bad, right?

🌙 🌙 🌙

(A/N): WOO! The first update to the last celebration short story! I hope you all liked this! (Just saying, for more background you should go read the other books because even if you can read them separately it's much easier to read them order to get more intel! The first story is Liam and Blake's story!)


p.s. I've missed Fate so here she is! aka Lily Collins x

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