Epilogue: The Frightening Meet

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  🎃 Fate Perkins - Dec. 21, 2015     

Flying to Florida for the holidays would generally sound amazing, you get to be by the beach while up in New York people you'd be covered in snow. And really, I should be excited but I was more nervous because Blake had opened her big mouth and told my parents that I finally have a boyfriend during the holiday season.

(They've been waiting for this moment; where I'd finally have a boyfriend to bring over for Christmas.)

When telling Harry of my parents wishes to meet him, I hoped he'd say that he was going to his parent's for Christmas but unfortunately, he said couldn't afford a ticket to go across the Atlantic so he was ecstatic to hear that my parents wanted him to join our celebration (and that he could afford that ticked despite my parents offering to buy them). It wasn't that I was embarrassed or anything about Harry it was just that my parents were a lot to take on.

I am more of the reserved type, where I can only show who I am once I'm comfortable around whoever it is. My parents, brother and the rest my family, however, are the complete opposite. They're nice people, I just think that sometimes they're too nice. My brother, Cameron, had brought over his girlfriend (who is now his wife) to meet the family a few years ago thrusting her into a family of loudness, kisses, tight hugs, many kids, and hardly any time to breath. I didn't want Harry to be overwhelmed as well.

"Babe, honestly, if they're as amazing as you I'll love them," Harry tried to assure me on the plane over, pressing a kiss to my cheek in attempt to calm me down. It worked a little but I wouldn't admit that to him.

"You still have time to back out," I told him when we pulled into the driveway of my parents' house. He shook his head with a smile, kissing me on the lips this time before getting out of the car to retrieve our luggage from the trunk.

The minute we walked into the door, we were greeted by my parents. Both of them pulling Harry and I into a group hug. All I heard from him was, "Oh, nice to meet you too" before he started chuckling.

"Nice to meet you, Harry! This is Penny and I'm Dan," my dad speaks once out of the hug, tugging us into the house. "Penny's just finishing with dinner so why don't you two go upstairs and drop your things off?"

After giving my mom and dad another hug and an 'I missed you' Harry and I trudged upstairs toward my old room where we placed our bags. As I turned to leave I spotted Harry looking around my room smiling. "You sure liked boybands, eh?"

"Backstreet Boys were amazing," I state hearing the teasing in his voice. He lifted his hands in mock surrender, grasping my arm and pulling me into his chest as I started to walk out of the room.

"Your parents aren't bad, just very loving." He sways us side to side, his hands fitting perfectly with the small of my back.

I wrap my arms around his neck and chuckle. "Just wait until you meet the rest of them."

"Can't wait," he whispers before pecking my lips. He smiles lightly as his right hand caressed the side of face. "Je t'aime."

"You really are a showoff but..." I smile, "I love you too."

🌙 🌙 🌙



p.s. our lovely, lovely boy <3

p.s. I hope all your holidays are amazing x

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