15: The Non-Frightening Confidence

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Fate Perkins - Nov. 1, 2015   

It was three-thirty in the morning by the time Harry and I had arrived at the apartment. Immediately, he drops his 'costume' onto the sofa before flopping down beside it. He was exhausted, it was clear, but it's even more clear that he wouldn't tell me that - and the same goes for me. This night had gone from okay to amazing, because of this one guy and I didn't want to see it end.

"My feet are killing me," he announces while watching me go toward the television to turn it on. I grab the remote and toss it to Harry. He clumsily attempts to catch it but fails, making it fall on the floor beside his boots.

"Ditto. I'm going to go change, I can bring you some of Liam's clothes?" I start pulling off my coat, watching him peel off his shoes before nodding. I give him a smile before making my way towards my room to change into shorts and a t-shirt since the apartment was hot. I then make my way to Blake's room to retrieve a change of clothes from her stash of Liam's clothes.

When I come back into the living room, Harry's coat is off and he's just about tug his shirt off before spotting me. He lets go of the hem of his shirt and smiles at me. "Thanks. I'll go change in the bathroom."

I had to restrain myself from telling him that he could just change right here. His hand grazes my shoulder as he passes me once retrieving the clothes from me hand, making me intake a breath. When he's gone I flop onto the sofa and scroll through Netflix. I'm just about to click on How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days when Harry walks back in, hair up in a messy bun with no shirt on.

"I, uh, think you gave me Blake's shirt by accident. It was a bit tight," he tells me with a cough to break me out of my ogling. My cheeks instantly blaze from being caught. "It seems like you don't mind, however."

Honestly, it made me happy that Harry was becoming more confident around me but at this moment it didn't make me happy because he knew exactly what to say to make me embarrassed. And from being best friends with Blake, it was an instinct to make a remark. "Yeah, well, you're in love with me, so."

"You did not just go there," he faked offence making me laugh. I turned back to the television and pressed play but apparently, Harry had other plans for he decided to flop onto the sofa as well.

The only thing being, he landed on me.

And though he'd knocked the wind out of me, he repaid it by leveling his face above mine a shy smile coming over his face in contrast of his confident move. My heart picks up speed while watching him contemplate on what to do next and boy was I hoping that he'd lean down and kiss me.

Which, he did.

(A/N): THIS WAS MY FAVORITE. I WAS SMILING SO HARD WHILE WRITING THIS, BECAUSE HARRY IS SO CUTE AND FATE IS JUST LIKE "KISS ME, DUDE" AND HE'S LIKE "OKAY, YEAH, MAYBE I WILL" AND THEN HE DOES AND UGH I AM VERY HAPPY. Trust me, the next chapter will continue their kiss and give you the details so I won't leave you all hanging.  I hope you really liked it and thought that it was worth the wait :)


p.s. blessing you with this shirtless beauty x

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