04: The Non-Frightening Creep

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🎃 Fate Perkins - Oct. 31, 2015 

Once my dance with Theo was over, I let my eyes fall over to where I'd seen the ghost but sadly he was no longer there. Maybe I was just being paranoid and he wasn't looking at me afterall, it was silly that I even thought that. I shake my head as Theo and I make our way out of the dancing people, his feet carrying him to a group of beautiful girls. I roll my eyes in search of Rose or Louis but they are nowhere to be seen.

So instead, I keep to myself and lean against the wall beside the hallway where the "haunted" house/hallway sat. To be honest, being in this costume I thought I'd stick out like a sore thumb but boy was I wrong, a lot of other girls were dressed with little to no clothing. It made my costume look like a saint.

Just as I started fiddling with the ruffles of my skirt, a soft 'boo' was whispered into my ear. For once all this evening, I wasn't startled as I turn around to see the culprit; the ghost.

"Did I scare you?" He questions still using a very ghost-like voice. He is still whispering but since we were a bit further from the loud music, I could hear him perfectly. His green eyes pierce through my own before he looks down to my costume. I'm usually able to who someone is based on their eyes but it seems as if he knows so, for our eye contact doesn't last longer than three seconds.

I switch from putting the weight onto my right onto my left, uncomfortable. "Uh, no."

"Darn," he says before looking back up to my eyes. I raise my eyebrows at him before he looks away. "Sorry for staring, it's just, I've never seen you dress this way before."

So either I have a stalker or I know this man. "Your name is?"

And just like the first time, he walks away (only this time I hear him mutter something to himself before walking away), leaving me alone once more. My lips part in confusion as I watch his tall stature make his way through the crowd before disappearing. I wonder why he keeps doing that, running away every time I ask about him. But despite all that, he seems like someone I could have an easy going talk with and the next time he comes around I'll be sure to not mention who he is.

In all my thoughts, I failed to notice Louis standing beside me leading to another scare. "Woo! I got in three scares! I better win this prize."

"I hate you," I reply before beginning to walk back to my beloved pretzels. However, Louis catches my arm to spin me back around. I give him an annoyed stare.

"Who was that you were talking to?" He asks with a lilt in his voice, immediately telling me that he knows something I don't. As I narrow my eyes at him, he simply smiles wider - clearly not breaking down to tell me. "Seems like fate." He chuckles. "I crack myself up." And then he walks away, probably back to his girlfriend.

Used to his lame jokes that he probably got off his friend Harry, I sigh and once again lean against the wall. Now that my friends, and that strange ghost, have left me I wasn't feeling in the party mood anymore. All I really wanted to do at the moment was go home, change into my cute fluffy pajama pants that Blake had gotten me last Christmas and watch Netflix.

And I was just about to before I find myself talking to that ghost once more, after sending Blake a message that I was heading home.

🌙 🌙 🌙

(A/N): Aw, and here we have the title come into play "the non-frightening ghost" because he couldn't scare her (and she's very easy to scare). hmmm, so their little adventure is going to start! what do you think will happen? Think Harry will stop using his "ghost voice" to talk to her, well you'll find out eventually ;)


p.s. gif of our gorgeous Fate x

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