14: The Non-Frightening Friends

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  🎃 Fate Perkins - Nov. 1, 2015 


It was nearly one in the morning, my eyes were heavy and my phone has been going off the hook from text messages from Blake wondering where I am. I didn't answer them because I was enjoying myself; enjoying this time with Harry and now with his friends that happen to own a vintage store. The owner being Zayn and the two workers being Niall and Clover, with special guest Jenna, Zayn's girlfriend.

"They have their own pitiful party every year in here," Harry tells me with a teasing grin. His statement offends the four other people in the building. From what my eyes could see it was more of a hangout than a party, but they did have costumes. Zayn was dressed as a cow to accompany Jenna's cowgirl costume. Niall was dressed as the Green Lantern and Clover was dressed as a cat.

"Mind you, this is my shop and I can kick you out," Zayn tells him with narrowed eyes. "Of course Fate can stay, though because she's actually nice to look at."

"Ooo, burn." Niall laughs while throwing an arm around Clover's shoulders. A pout forms on Harry's lips making me squeeze his hand in reassurance. He looks down at me, continuing to pout before giving me the sweetest of smiles.

"So, tell me Harry, are you two dating yet?" Jenna chimes in for the first time with a new conversation topic, ignoring how her boyfriend fist bumps Niall. I can easily detect a southern accent from her, making me remember the different accents back in Florida. 

Immediately, Harry flushes from the question letting go of my hand to take a seat beside Zayn on the small couch in the corner of the shop. It's obvious he doesn't want to answer the questions, so I just say, "we're getting there" before taking a seat next to Clover and falling into a conversation about coffee ( she could smell the scent on me making her cravings shoot up).

And that's how the next two hours went; simply talking to each other, having laughs and of course, embarrassing Harry which is apparently very easy to do before he finally had enough and said we should go elsewhere. By the time it struck three in the morning, I was exchanging phone numbers with my new friends before being tugged out the door by Harry.

"That was so embarrassing," he mutters before shoving his hands into the coat pockets.

"You've talked to them about me?" I question, ignoring his statement. Throughout that time of hanging out with Harry's friends that thought kept swirling through my mind, how he's mentioned me to them. It was implied when Jenna asked if we were a thing yet. I found that thought to be heartwarming because though I didn't have doubts about Harry's feelings for me, it just confirmed it even more.

"I, uh - "

"I think it's nice, don't be embarrassed," I assure him when his mouth begins to bob up and down, at a loss for words. He gives me a tiny grin before looking back ahead. I then check my phone, skimming over the messages from Blake telling me about the party, how Liam's place was a mess (that's what he gets), and how she'll be staying the night at his apartment. Not only that but I see a text from Niall, telling me to "plant a big one on 'im ;)".

And though that's not really my plan, I invite Harry over to my apartment.

🌙 🌙 🌙

(A/N): sorry for the long wait! but look, it's finally November in real life and in the story! The next chapter will be them in Fate and Blake's apartment - what do you think will happen? (get your head out of the gutter.) She said it's not her plan to kiss him - or anything romantic but let's see if she keeps that promise because how can you not kiss Harry Styles?


p.s. gif of our special guest stars x

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