New dimension Part 2

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Me and my bros were betting up some kranng when another bunch came at us."Raph I know you said that you could do this all night but I can't keep this up." I said as I sliced a kranng droids head."Team spread out." Leo said as we quickly went opposite directions, well Leo and Raph ran in one direction and me and Donnie in the other but when there was an areas to splits up we went separate direction. Then some more kranng droids came at me."Aww come on give me a break will ya." I said but they did not listen and started to kill of another batch of Kranng then I hide as some more came."We must stop the ones known as the turtles from getting in what is known the labitory." I heard a Kranng droid said as it ran away from me.'Well then to the labitory.' I thought as I kept walking until I found a door with weird writing on it as I looked at it the door opened but I wasn't in front of it anymore I then slipped inside as I started to hear whimpering and barking, then I heard."LEON." I quickly went to the sound and saw a wolf about the size was not like a normal wolf this wolf was bigger."LEON!" I heard again and saw three other wolfs, one of them had some orange in it as I saw that wolf crying and howling, the other one had some red it was barking trying to break free, the next one hade some purple and was trying to confurt the one that was crying. I look back to the first wolf and saw it had little bits of blue marks as he was whimpering in pain.'OK that's enough.' I thought as I barged in there and broke the lights and everything was dark and when I was fighting the Kranng I heard them speak."Leon!? Leon are you still here?" One yells."R-Raphie?" I stopped fighting the last bot and felt there presents."Yah Leon its me Raphie and Don plus Mik... Well get you out." I then went to the cage that held the three in and unlocked it while it was still dark I then quietly went up to this Leon wolf and sliced the straps that was holding him down but then the light in the room came on and it got to me so sudden that I didn't hide but stayed still."Leon!" The one that has some red on his fur ran to Leon and helped him on his feet but Leon fell and so the red wolf put Leon on his back I then ran out hoping that they would not know that I was there until I bumped into someone."Mikey there you are you had us worried." Leo said as he rubbed my head we then ran out of the Kranngs ship. I felt worried as Donnie pressed a button and the ship exploded but I saw shadows move very fast on some rooftops."Come on guys lets go home." I heard Leo say as all my brothers walked off.
We were running I didn't know were to but we all just followed Raphie since he has the best nose in the world. We go out of the flying thing as it exploided. We kept running.
And running
And running until we stopped because Leon was badly injured."Don were are we?" I asked as I looked at him he just looked in amazement at the area."One thing for sure.... We are not in the forest anymore.

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