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This is going to be smut so dont read if your not into wolf sex.

Raphies (POV)
I can smell a male and knew it was Leon. I wanted him to mate me badly but i held it in with all my might but that wasnt enough for me not to tease my scent, i hear him whimper and howl at my teasing, but one day when the turtles where out i was in the dojo drinking water when i smelt another wolf around.... Leons scent. "R-Raphie?~" i turned and saw Leon with lust eyes walking closer ro me. "Why do yiu smell so amazing?~" his voice made me wet inside and i couldnt hold it in any longer. "L-Leon..... im..... im half female." He growls and i shrink in sibmission. "H-how did you g-get out?" I ask as he walks around me and smells me making me purr. "He left the door open a crack" he tgen got on top of me and rubs his hard member against my behind. "L-Leon please." i said in total submission as i lift my tail up. He growls again making me gasp and whimper. "Tell me you want this~" he said as he licks my neck. "L-Leon please... mate me... i-i want only you." I felt his member pushing in slowly and i yelp. He bites my neck keeping me in place as he pushes all the way into me. He growls and thrusts making me moan and groan as i feel him mating me. He thrusts more harder .and faster making me moan louder i couldnt hold the feeling in me to long, i gasp loudly as i felt his knot push into me i was a moaning mess as Leon mating me. I came first then Leon as his knot grew more getting stuck in me with his cum. I pant hard as Leon licks my neck. "Im sorry i mated you." My eyes widen and i quickly stand up making his knot move making him and me whimper in pain. "W-what do you mean by sorry?!" I said as i look at him. "We where in heat i just got you probably pregnant and i never found you on a mating way." I heart ached as i start to cry. "Y-you..... I....... i thought." I didnt want him looking at me but he kept trying to see me. "Are you crying? Raphie im sorry i know you didnt want- Shut up Leon!!!" I growl angerly at him and lay back down "just get your stupid knot out of me and get away from me." I could feel his knot losen and losen to where he can pull out and he did, the walked out of the dojo leaving me.
Dons (POV)
I had Mik under me as we have already mated and talking abput our new life with pups running around but as my knot loosened i started to thrust again. "D-Don~ we already did it." Mik said as i lick is cheek. "Once more my love."
Thank you for reading

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