Morning 2

254 15 1


Fighting  Raph was tricky today I try to block his hits but sometimes I still get hit... Except right now, right now I am pointing my katana at Raph seeing if he will admit defet. But he foot kicked my Katana out of my hand, he then tackles me and I am pinned down. I look over to my left and see the other four looking interested at us. "Hagime!" Splinter said as Raph got off of me. "Do you guys want a go?" Raph asks them and they all nodded yes. "Sweet so who's going with who?" Mikey said, Mik stood next to Raph and Leon stood next to Don. 

"Really?" Raph said shocked. "Well yah Leon and Raphie are the best in the group so its was always fair for them to be on opposite sides. Or else the whole team will start falling apart from pride." I look at My brothers as they look at each other and looked at them. "Ok we'll remember that." I said as they went in the front of the dojo. "Hagime!" They circles each other and growled like they didn't even know each other. "Mik take out Don." Leon said as Mik started to run to don and tackle him to the ground, Mik growled at Don but got tackled by Raphie then Raphie got tackled by Leon Mik and Don were in a big battle as Leon and Raphie kept circling each other as they kept growling. Leon jumped on Raphie and but his neck. "Whoa whoa, Leon your gonna hurt Raphie." I said as they all looked at me. "Are you kidding I didn't even feel a thing." Raphie said as Leon started to laugh, all of there anger looking faces were gone. "If I stayed on Raphie's neck for 1 whole minute by biting hard and keeping it there then that would kill him. But if I bit his neck like we were just doing just now for minute then I won and he pretends he's fainted or whatever. We don't ever kill one of the members on the pack." Leon explained. We all noded. "So can we continue I was about to beat Don." Mik said as all of us nodded. "I didn't say Yame." Splinter said as they went right back to fighting each other and soon Leon and Mik won the round. "Aw ya 24 points for me while you Don my boy have 20." Mik said happily. "Oh yah. lets change that." Don said as he tackled Mik and started to bit his neck. "Ahh that tickles... No Hahaha s-stop... Leon help." 

Mik said as Leon and Raphie started to laugh. "Not until you beg." Don said as he kept doing what he was doing to Mik until he was begging for murce. "Then that's 21 points for me and 24 for you." Don said as he just smiled and walked away leaving Mik on the floor panting and laughing a bit. "T-Thanks Leon... for helping/" Mik said rhetorical but that didn't stop Leon from saying your welcome. "Are we done with training?" Mik said more gentily as we all looked at Sensi. "Yes, class is over you are all dismissed, I will be in my room meditating." Splinter said then left to his room. "So what now?" Mik said with a big smile. "Now I can do this." Don said as he tackled Mik as Mik tried to fight back but couldn't. "Ok ok Don you got me... S-Stop." Mik said as Don licked Mik face then he licked Miks mouth and nose. Dons eyes widen as Mik blushed on his ears I look at my brothers confused then I saw Leon and Raphie smirk and laugh a bit. "Don and Mik sitting in the woods." Raphie said as Mik as Don pulled away from each other. "K-I-S-S-I-N-G" Leon said as Raphie and Leon started to laugh uncontrollably. "I don't get it?" Mikey said confused. "It was an accident." Don said as Mikey finally understood. "Ok that's it it just got weird I'm going to his room" Mik said as he left with Mikey following... I guess they are different from us in some weird ways.



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