Nightmares or Visions?

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  I've never seen so much blood before!  The visiting room , after hours,  usually filled with teen girls gossiping and watching TV, now covered with dead bodies.  Each one a familiar face.-  I should've known this would happen....I seen it in my dreams. But dreams aren't real....this couldn't be real!

                                                            Two months earlier

  My names Susan but you can call me Susie.  I'd like to tell you about the amazing life I have but I'd be lying.  I hate my life!  My parents shipped me off to this 'all girls' boarding school soon as I turned sixteen.  Said it was for my own good, but I know the truth...they think I'm a freak!  

  You see, a few weeks before I turned sixteen I started having 'night terrors.' (the rents called them) They were so vivid and always about the same girl. After two weeks of waking up screaming and spending my days trying to convince my parents that I wasn't crazy, they decided I was too much. Then sent me here, to Shady Grove Academy.  Sounds nice right?  WRONG....I've never been more outta place!

   I'm more of the t-shirt & jeans type of girl. But around here if your not dressed in the finest dress money can buy then your a nobody.  Which is fine by me.  This place is like a prison and I intend on escaping any way I can. Even if that just means keeping my head down and pretending the dreams have stopped. Maybe if I convince them I'm 'normal' again they'll let me go home.

   It should've been an ordinary day, you know, me sitting alone (hood up, ear buds in) trying to ignore the constant whispers about the outcast in the purple hoody.  I swear snobby rich girls have nothing better to do then gossip.  It's absurd!  Anyways...if  you ever had a really bad feeling like you know somethings about to happen then you know what I mean when I say this feeling almost doubled me over.  What the hell was happening to me? 

   Then I saw was her...the girl from my dreams.  This can't be true...I must be crazy.  I blink hard trying to make sense of it hoping when I open my eyes it won't be her but again, there she stood.  I watched as the other girls flocked to meet the new student.  Blond hair, shaped like Barbie, and of course dressed like she just stepped out of a magazine.  She looked like she was any other girl here a Shady Grove but I knew better.  I've seen what she really is....every night I've watched her in my dreams. Seen her slaughtering innocent people, seen the bodies she mangled.  But how can it be her?  Those were just nightmares right?

   A tap on my shoulder snaps me out of my thoughts. Slowly I turn around to meet the eyes of the girl that has haunted my dreams for weeks now.  "Hi I'm Daisy, head mistress says your my new roommate."  "Hi" was all I could say.  Behind that smile I could see the evilness that lingered.  I forced a smile and showed her to our room.

   That night was the first time in two months that I haven't dreamed.  I was enjoying the best sleep I think I've ever had when I heard it....something shattering in the distance...then a muffled scream.  Slowly and quietly I made my way out of bed and down the hall.

   The visiting room was full of parents during the day but at night it became the rich girls lounge.  Giggling teens eating popcorn and watching cheesy movies. But not now.  All I could do was stare at the scene layed out before me. Bodies were everywhere.  Throats ripped out, bodies mangled.  I've seen this before....too many times before...It was Daisy...she did this!   


Please comment - I'd love to hear what you think!  The picture is what I think Susie would look like


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